In our Focal Scripture, whilst getting ready for a new season of rain in Israel, Elijah slew the four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal. Some people had to die before the new season of abundance came upon Israel. Some things had to give way before Elijah famously enjoyed divine speed and ran ahead of Ahab into Jezreel. Between the current situation and the next level that Elijah desired, there was a slaughtering of negativity.
Friend, if you desire a new season, then your ‘prophets of Baal’ must die. There are things in your life that need to give way so that you can enjoy divine intervention in full; there are relationships that need to give way so that God can bring profitable relationships your way; there are habits that need to die so that you can carry the greatness that God has ordained for you; there are distractions you need to kill in order to rise.
The rain did not fall, and the hand of the Lord did not come upon Elijah, until the prophets of Baal were exterminated. There was a system of enchantments and evil divination that needed to be put out of circulation before Israel stepped into their next level. Did you know that there are satanic altars that need to go down so that you can rise? Did you know that some satanic priests need to be halted so that you can advance?
Raise your sword against everything that needs to go down now. Kill the spirit of losses in your business; kill every health challenge that wants to reduce you to rubbles; kill every habit/attitude that shuts you out of your desired opportunities; kill every relationship that invites and reinforces negativity in your life; put away every prayerlessness, carelessness, fruitlessness, inconsistency, etc that wants to delay your ‘rain’.
Remember, if the rain must fall, the prophets of Baal need to go down. Kill whatsoever needs to be killed; don’t forfeit your rain on account of what should have been cut off from your life.