Daily Devotional


Divine Judgement

31st July 2021

Scripture Reading: 2 King 9: 1-13


“And thou shalt smite the house of Ahab thy master, that I may avenge the blood of my servants the prophets, and the blood of all the servants of the LORD, at the hand of Jezebel.” (2 Kings 9: 7)

In our Focal Scripture, the son of the prophet announced to Jehu God’s reason for selecting him as king. God told Jehu to strike the house of Ahab, to avenge the blood of prophets and servants of the Lord. Ahab and Jezebel had become thorns in the flesh of God’s servants, and though they had done evil and appeared to get away with it, God did not forget; God ordered judgement and vengeance to be executed upon the entire family of Ahab.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: if there be people who have vowed to afflict your life and family, God will execute His judgement upon them all. God will orchestrate divine judgement upon those who have vowed to make your life miserable. God will execute His judgement upon those who have vowed that you will not make progress. God will execute judgement upon all those who are destroying what you have built.

Any man that has tampered with your destiny, today, I decree, let God’s judgement locate them. Let the judgement of God locate the opposers of your destiny. Let the judgement of God locate those who are using satanic altars against your destiny. Let the judgement of God arise against every satanic priest who has vowed to use an altar against you. Let the judgement of God arise against the messengers of evil positioned against you.

Any gathering that has been made against you, God will respond with His judgement. Every conspiracy against your future, every plot of the enemy against your efforts, every evil speaking against your destiny, every enchantment and incantation that has been made against you, every satanic altar that has been erected against you, hear me as I hear the Lord: divine judgement is unleashed. The seat of Satan against you is destroyed.

No longer shall the enemies and destroyers of your destiny get away with their wickedness against you. As they arise, the Lord shall arise with judgement.


Every satanic gang up against me, receive divine judgement, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“There is no magic charm, no witchcraft, That can be used against the nation of Israel. Now people will say about Israel, 'Look what God has done!'” (Numbers 23: 23 GNB)

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