In our Focal Scripture, Ezekiel speaks of the hand of the Lord that was upon him and carried him out in the Spirit of the Lord. The hand of the Lord was upon Ezekiel, and that hand carried him by the Spirit of the Lord; the Spirit of the Lord became the transport system of Ezekiel; Ezekiel was no longer moving by Himself, but the Spirit of the Lord was his movement vehicle.
Friend, you may have been moving all by yourself, you may have been moving by your efforts, you may have been moving by your labour; but in this season, there shall be divine transport to the next level. God will transport you to the higher levels you desire; God will transport you into the opportunities that will advertise you to your generation; God will transport you into platforms of relevance and influence.
When the Lord becomes your transport system, you move, not at the speed of men, but at the speed of the Spirit. When the Lord carries you, you move faster than your contemporaries; when the Lord transports you, you enter into places you would ordinarily not have had access to; when the Lord transports you, He makes a mess of the opposition and obstacles hindering your movement; when God carries you, you hit your target.
When you move all by yourself, obstacles may stop you, opposers may stop you, and even your own transport system may stop you; but when God carries you, no power of hell can stop you on the way; when the Lord carries you, you cannot stop on the way; when the Lord carries you, without much labour, you will hit your target; when the Lord carries you, you will achieve much more than you could ever imagine.
Ask God to transport you like He transported Ezekiel; ask the Lord to carry you into your new level.