Daily Devotional


Don’t Walk Away

12th July 2021

Scripture Reading: Mark 10: 46-52


“And Jesus said unto him, Go thy way; thy faith hath made thee whole. And immediately he received his sight, and followed Jesus in the way.” (Mark 10: 52)

In our Focal Scripture, Jesus told Bartimaeus “Go thy way”. Literally, as Jesus declared healing to Bartimaeus, He asked Bartimaeus to move on. Notice that as he received his sight, Bartimaeus did not go in his own way; he rather followed Jesus in the way. What he received from Jesus did not become a reason to move on to other things. He received a miracle and had a priority to follow the One who gave the miracle.

Friend, as you receive your expectations from God, do well to follow Jesus. Do well to be that man that does not walk away because his expectation has been met. Dare to be that one who remains with Jesus even when there are no needs for the Lord to meet. Dare to be that one who wouldn’t become prayerless simply because the major prayer points have become answers. Be counted as that one who follows despite receiving.

Bartimaeus seemed to understand that beyond what he had just received, there was a bigger matter of following the Giver of the gifts he received. He realized that following Jesus was a higher priority than whatever else he could achieve without Jesus. In times when it seems you have received all that you need from God, do well to remember that whatever you stand to gain if you walk away is not as important as being with Jesus.

Today, make a commitment to follow Jesus on His way. Even if it seems that you have no need for Jesus, still follow Him. Even if it seems that you can do without new levels in God, still press in for more. Even if it seems that your troubles are officially over in this life, do well to remain planted in the house of the Lord. Even if, like Bartimaeus, you have received your long awaited miracle, don’t stop being a follower of Jesus.

To walk away from Jesus is to lose the Giver that is worth more than the gifts. Focus on Jesus, follow Him, and don’t walk away no matter what you receive.


No matter what I receive from Jesus, I will never walk away, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“For, lo, they that are far from thee shall perish: thou hast destroyed all them that go a whoring from thee.” (Psalm 73: 27)

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