In 1 Kings 19 vs. 16, God had instructed Elijah to anoint Jehu as King of Israel. A word was spoken for the enthronement of Jehu as King, but Elijah did not fulfill that assignment before he was taken by a whirlwind into heaven. A word for Jehu’s enthronement seemed to suffer a delay; a word for Jehu’s advancement seemed forgotten and impossible to be fulfilled. The person whom God gave the assignment was not available anymore.
Notice that in our Focal Scripture, Elisha, who was already in his twilight years, sent one of the sons of the prophets to go and anoint Jehu. The word concerning Jehu’s enthronement, which earlier seemed forgotten, was suddenly remembered. The word that seemed that it may never come to pass suddenly came to pass. The word that seemed like it didn’t have an Elijah to fulfill it suddenly got another candidate who fulfilled it.
Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: if there be any word of the Lord concerning you that is yet to be fulfilled, as surely as the Lord lives, it shall be fulfilled. What the Lord said concerning your enthronement will come to pass; what the Lord has spoken concerning your healing will come to pass; what the Lord has said concerning your advancement will come to pass; what the Lord said concerning your greatness will come to pass.
Elijah was no longer available to fulfill the word of the Lord, but one of the sons of the prophets was singled out for that assignment. Hear me as I hear the Lord: even if the favourable people who should activate your enthronement are no longer available, God will raise new men who will fill the gap and cause you to sit on the throne that God Himself reserved for you. Even if men turn you down, God will raise new men to enthrone you.
Call forth every pending enthronement into reality. Call forth your thrones and crowns and command them to become your reality now.