Daily Devotional


Lifted By The Word

20th July 2021

Scripture Reading: 2 King 9: 1-13


“And Elisha the prophet called one of the children of the prophets, and said unto him, Gird up thy loins, and take this box of oil in thine hand, and go to Ramothgilead:” (2 Kings 9: 1)

The person selected by Elisha to go and anoint Jehu was one of the sons of the prophets. He was a prophet in training. He was under tutelage in order to operate in the prophetic order. In bible times, prophets declared the word of the Lord. They were God’s mouthpieces. They were filled with the word of the Lord and proclaimed same. So that son of the prophet was in the journey of being filled with the word of the Lord.

Notice that the anointing of kings was not the assignment of sons of the prophets; it was a role reserved for the major prophets in bible times. So Elisha selected a prophet in training and gave him a job for prophets that were fully trained. He selected one who was filled with the word of the Lord, and promoted him into a new realm. Put differently, the word of the Lord in the life of that prophet in training, prepared him for promotion.

Friend, the more the word of the Lord lives in you, the more it will promote you to higher levels. There is an elevation that comes by being filled with the word of the Lord. There is a next level that comes from being a student of the word of the Lord. There are doors of exploits that are opened as you leave your life open for the word of the Lord to fill you till it overflows. There are opportunities that the word of the Lord orchestrates.

Elisha did not look for people who weren’t carriers of the word of the Lord; he may have been unable to carry out the assignment of anointing Jehu, and he chose someone who had dwelt with the word of the Lord. If you make the mistake of being empty of God’s word, you just might be making your life empty of exploits that come to those who are filled with the word. If you remain empty of the word of the Lord, you may not manifest the fullness of the greatness God ordained for you.

Fill yourself with the word of the Lord until it overflows in you and through you. Feast on the word of the Lord, and you will be elevated by the word.


The word of the Lord in me will lift me higher and higher, in Jesus’ name!

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“So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed.” (Acts 19: 20)

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