After the multitudes had been fed, Jesus commanded His disciples to gather the fragments that remain. So the five loaves of bread and two fishes fed the entire multitude, and there was still a remainder at the end of the day. Abundance broke out upon the bread and fish, and instead of being not enough, it became much more than enough. There was a transition from the place of little to the place of many.
Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: God is transiting you from the place of not enough to the place of more than enough. As the year ends, abundance will replace lack; as the year ends, your little will turn to many; as the year ends, things that were scarce shall suddenly become abundant in your life; as the year gradually winds down, God is shifting your life from the place of little to the place of multiplication.
It was only a matter of time before the few loaves of bread and fishes became so abundant that there was a remainder after the multitude was fed. The process of time revealed abundance instead of stagnation or reduction. Hear me again: as days turn to weeks, as weeks turn to months, and as 2019 gives way to 2020, you will be transited from lack to abundance, and you will be transited from not enough to more than enough.
Jesus did not need a lot before causing abundance to break forth in the midst of the multitude. Just a little bread and fish, and the power of God were all that He needed. You do not need to have enough already before Jesus can transit you to more than enough; the little you have is enough for the transition to begin. The little you have is enough for multiplication to begin; what you have is more than enough for God to work with.
Give your little to Jesus and He will cause it to turn to many. Give Jesus the much you have, and He will transit you to the place of more than enough.