In our Focal Scripture, Elijah slew all the four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal. Like we earlier observed, Baal often attached its name to the name of any city where it was worshipped. So in a matter of time, that community took on the identity of Baal. In a matter of time, there was an alteration of name; in a matter of time, there was an exchange in destiny; in a matter of time, things were no longer what they should be.
Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: any power of hell that wants to exchange your destiny, I send the fire of God to smoke it out. Any power of darkness that wants to exchange your destiny with something lower than what God already destined for you, let God reply them. Let the hand of God arise against every satanic plot to give you a destiny that is not God-ordained. Let the power of God arise and subdue everything that wants to subdue you.
Baal worship simply reduced anyone who got entangled with Baal. Hear me again: whatever you got entangled with in the past that now wants to reduce or exchange your destiny, the Lord arises against it. Your destiny will not be diluted; your portion will not be exchanged; your light will not be dimmed by the enemy; your levels will not be reduced; you will not be pulled down from whatever height God has helped you attain.
If you have embraced Jesus and His finished work on the cross, then you have no business with the exchangers and reducers of destiny. If Christ has redeemed you, then you have no business with those satanic powers and machinations that want to make mincemeat of your destiny; if Christ has taken center stage, then there should be no exchange or reduction.
Enforce Christ’s finished work in your life; insist that there shall be no reduction or exchange in destiny.