When Ezekiel prophesied as God commanded him, breath came back into the dry bones, and they stood on their feet, an exceeding great army. The same men who had been cut short and reduced to bones, arose, not as mere bones, but as an exceeding great army. They arose, not on the same level as they fell, but on a higher level. They arose like men who had been restored to their rightful position. They arose, fully restored.
Friend, in the places where you have been reduced or cut down, hear me as I hear the Lord: your restoration is about to happen. Your lost glory shall be restored; your lost opportunities will be restored; your lost access will be restored; your lost resources will be restored; your lost capacities will be restored; your lost greatness will be restored; your lost relevance will be restored; whatever you lost, the Lord is restoring.
The prophecy of Ezekiel was enough to bring back the slain from their dry bone status. They went down by the hand of men, but they arose by the hand of God. Hear me as I hear the Lord: you may have gone down by the hand of men, but you will arise by the hand of God. Men may have cast you down, but God will mightily lift you up; men may have used their words to dislocate you, but God will use His own words to place you higher again.
Those men who had been reduced to dry bones had people who reduced them; they had people who put them in that situation; they probably had people who believed that they were finished, but without consulting any group, God showed up and restored them. Hear me as I hear the Lord: your haters will not be consulted before you are restored by God; those who put you down will not be consulted in your day of restoration.
Ask God to restore you in places where you have gone down or have been cut short; ask God to lift you higher wherever the hands of men have brought you down.