Daily Devotional

Shield Your Generation

27th September 2021

Scripture Reading: Psalm 52: 1-9


“But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God...” (Psalm 52: 8)

Remarkably, the olive tree is used as a windbreak. When a tree is used as a windbreak, it shields houses from the destructive force of the wind. The same wind that could pull down houses may not do so if there is an olive tree to shield the houses. The same disaster that may make a mess of houses and properties may not succeed if there be an olive tree shielding it. So the olive tree serves as a defence, not for itself, but for others.

Friend, if you have been planted as the Lord’s olive tree, then you have what it takes to shield your generation from disaster. You have what it takes to shield people connected to you from the attacks of the enemy. You have what it takes to speak the words that will redirect every evil away from those that are connected to you. You have what it takes to avert the tragedies that want to manifest in the ember months.

Some people should be able to enjoy some safety around you because of you. Some people should be able to depend on your prayers for their new season not to be truncated. Some people should be able to sleep soundly because your prayers are ceaseless on their behalf. Some people should be less scared of the negative winds of life because of their connection to you. Negativity should be averted as a result of your connection to God. Stand as a shield between a plague and the people.

People in your neighbourhood will be preserved from satanic attacks, if you shield them with your prayers. Your family members should make progress, and they will be safe because of your prayers. People at your place of work should know peace and prosperity because you are among them. You are a shield, and when the enemy wants to strike, you are the one that will stop him.

There is a reason to pray and seek God. It’s not just because of you; it’s for your spouse, children, siblings, friends, associates, and even your nation. Arise and shield your generation. Arise and intercede: you are a shield.


I arise and I shield my generation from harm, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.” (Ezekiel 22: 30)

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