Our Focal Scripture speaks of how Elisha called one of the sons of the prophets and sent him with a box of oil to Ramothgilead. Elisha was that prophet of God who took over the prophetic mantle of Elijah. He literally replaced Elijah. Notably, the miracles that came through Elisha were double of those that came by Elijah. Notice that Elisha asked for a double portion of the spirit of Elijah. He began by asking for more power.
Friend, cry out to God for a fresh inflow of His power into your life. Ask the Lord to open your spirit man and fill it with His power. Ask the Lord to pour His power afresh into you. Ask the Lord to double the dose of His power that is already at work in you. Ask the Lord to give you the grace for the journey that grows His power in the life of a man. Ask the Lord to give you the opportunity to carry more of His power and manifest more of His glory.
Elisha carried the power of God, and it was not a mistake that the prophets who were under his tutelage had a record of exploits. The power he carried in his inner man rubbed off on those under his tutelage. Hear me as I hear the Lord: as you become a carrier of the power of God, it will rub off on those around you. As you carry the power of God, it will position you for greater impact. The power of God in you will rub off on your children, colleagues, mentees, friends, parishioners, etc.
Whatsoever is draining you of the power of God that should be at work in you, I command it to die by the fire of God. Your life will not just be in words alone, but in the demonstration of the power of God. Henceforth, your voice will be recognized by the kingdom of darkness. When you speak, situations will bow, yokes will be broken, doors will be opened, obstacles will be crushed, negativity will go down, and oppositions will melt away.
In all your getting, get more of the power of God, and you will manifest the glory of your Maker.