Daily Devotional


You Will Survive

21st September 2021

Scripture Reading: Psalm 92: 1-12


“But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God...” (Psalm 52: 8)

One characteristic of the olive tree which sets it apart from other trees is the fact that it endures drought. The olive tree has the capacity to do well in dry conditions. Drought usually causes plants to wither. When there is drought, most plants and even animals can’t survive. When there is drought, the most natural thing is for trees to go down, but it is not so for the olive tree. The olive tree has a unique capacity to survive drought.

Friend, hear God’s word of grace to you: you will survive every drought that your environment has to offer. You will survive every negativity that wants to swallow those around you. You will survive every harsh policy that may arise within your space. You will survive every crisis that may arise against you. You will survive every difficulty that the economy might want to throw up. You will survive every circumstance that wants to swallow you.

Hear me as I hear the Lord: you will come out unscathed from every fire the enemy has lit in order to consume you. You will emerge greater and higher from every valley of shadow of death that has come your way. You will survive every dryness you are currently faced with. What led to the downfall of others will not lead to your downfall. The turbulence that crashed others will not crash you.

If Jesus has redeemed you, then you belong to that generation that is not swallowed by any negativity. You belong to that generation that will not bow to hell. You belong to that generation that is not a victim of whatever happens in the environment. You belong to that generation that has the capacity to outlive every negativity that may ever show up on their pathway. You belong to that generation that cannot be dried up.

Apostle Paul captured it well when in Philippians 3: 20 (NIV), he declared: “But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ”. You are a citizen of heaven if you operate under the Lordship of Jesus; and if so, your survival is not of this earth; you have a lasting crown; your survival is of God.


I will survive and prevail over every drought that ever shows up on my way, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” (Philippians 4: 13)

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