Daily Devotional



1st August 2023

Scripture Reading: 1 SAMUEL 16: 1-14


“And Samuel said unto Jesse, Are here all thy children? And he said, There remaineth yet the youngest, and, behold, he keepeth the sheep. And Samuel said unto Jesse, Send and fetch him: for we will not sit down till he come hither.” (1 Samuel 16: 11)

Our Focal Scripture speaks of that moment when Jesse told Samuel that he had one more son, who was tending the sheep in the bush. David was the one chosen by heaven to sit on the throne of Israel, but his own father chose him to tend to sheep. Heaven chose David for greatness, but David’s own father chose him for obscurity in the bush. For Jesse, David seemed like an afterthought. For Jesse, David was not the choice.

Friend, like David, you may find yourself in that place where heaven has chosen you, yet your ‘Jesse’ only considers you fit enough to tend to sheep in the bush. In your journey to the top, you may come face to face with the Jesse’s of this world who do not believe that you deserve a place at the top. You may come face to face with men who will disqualify you from being at the top. You will meet men who believe you shouldn’t rise.

Don’t allow yourself to be deterred by the Jesse’s of this world. Don’t be deterred by those who rate you lowly whilst heaven rates you highly. Don’t be deterred by those who believe that you should not get a chance. Don’t be deterred by those who feel you should be kept away from the limelight. Don’t be discouraged by those who do not consider you fit enough for good things. Don’t be discouraged by those who see no value in you.

Notice that David did not become small like Jesse positioned him to be. He became great like heaven destined him to be. The lack of validation of men did not stop David. As surely as the Lord lives, the lack of validation of men around you will not stop your greatness. The mere fact that some people have looked down on you, will not stop your rising. The fact that even your family does not believe in you will not stop you.

If heaven has chosen you, don’t lose sleep if men do not yet validate you. As surely as the Lord lives, those who do not validate you will not stop who God has destined you to become.


No matter who doesn’t validate me, I will become who God destined me to become, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.” (Galatians 1: 10)

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