Daily Devotional


It is instructive to observe that whereas Goliath took the lead in talking and issuing threats to the children of Israel, it was David who fired the first shot that tilted the battle in Israel’s

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Our Focal Scripture speaks of that moment when David hastened towards Goliath. It was time to fight and defeat Goliath and remove the reproach from the armies of Israel, and David was not slow or

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Our Focal Scripture outlines the three weapons of Goliath in the battlefield. One of the weapons that Goliath came with, is the shield. In bible times, shields were used to block the efforts of the

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Our Focal Scripture makes mention of the weapons that Goliath showed up with. One of the weapons as mentioned by David in our Focal Scripture, is the spear. In bible times, spears were used to

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In our Focal Scripture, Jesse sent David with food for his brethren who were in the battlefield with Saul. These brethren were yet to win the battle, but David took food to them in the

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When the armies of Israel heard the words of Goliath, they were dismayed and were afraid. They were in a battle, they were in the battle field, but the words of Goliath were enough to

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Our Focal Scripture highlights that moment when Goliath demanded that the armies of Israel should choose one man who would fight with him. Notice that this was a battle of nation against nation. It was

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In our Focal Scripture, Goliath queried why the armies of Israel were coming forward to fight with him. Goliath had a problem with the fact that the soldiers of Israel were coming forward to fight.

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Our Focal Scripture speaks of how the armies of the Philistines were gathered together at Shochoh, which belonged to Judah. The enemies of Israel had already gained grounds within the territory of Judah. The word

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Our Focal Scripture makes mention of how the Philistines gathered their armies together at Shochoh which belonged to Judah. Enemies of Israel came against them, and they encamped within Judah. Even before there was a

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Our Focal Scripture, being the first verse of 1 Samuel 17, begins with the mention of the Philistines and how they gathered against Israel. What was meant to be a new chapter began with the

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At the end of the encounter between David and the Amalekites that came against him, David took all the flocks and herds which were taken from the Amalekites. The Amalekites came against David and his

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Outstanding Results

In our Focal Scripture, Joseph told the dream of how he was binding sheaves with his brothers, and his own sheaves stood upright. Sheaves were the harvest from farms. Sheaves were the results of those

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It’s Your Command

In our Focal Scripture, Joseph told his brothers to ‘hear’ the dream that he had dreamt. The word ‘hear’ as used in that scripture comes from a Hebrew word ‘shema’ which connotes ‘a command’. So,

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Ignore The Haters

It is instructive to observe that when Joseph declared his dream to his brothers, they hated him; and when he had yet another dream, they hated him even more. His dream provoked hatred from his

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Speak Your Dream

When Joseph dreamed his dream, he didn’t keep quiet about it; he began speaking to his brothers about it. He began confessing his dream; he began painting the picture of his dreams with words. That

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You Can’t Be Stopped

Joseph was hated by his brethren for the simple reason of being loved above them all by his father; he later dreamed and dream and told them about it, and they hated him yet the

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New Revelations

When Joseph’s brothers saw that their father loved him more than them all, they hated him, and the next thing the bible said about Joseph was that he dreamed a dream. His father had earlier

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You Have A Space

The King’s Replica

In Old Testament times, leaders of tribes wore a coat of many colours. Jacob as leader of his tribe probably wore such a garment; and in a matter of time, he made one for Joseph.

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Untouchable Blessing

It is instructive to observe that Joseph’s brothers took away his coat of many colours at some point. They took the manifestation of what was already inside of him; they took the evidence of his

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You Will Be Preferred

Jacob had ten sons before Joseph was eventually born; he even went on to have one more son (Benjamin) after having Joseph. He had twelve sons in all, but in the end, Joseph was favoured

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Late But Favoured

Our Focal Scripture reveals that Israel (Jacob) loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age. Joseph was not necessarily finer or more handsome or more stylish or

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You Have A Space

Divine Advertisement

After Jesus raised the dead man in our Scripture Reading back to life, many people glorified God and Jesus’ fame spread all over the place. Jesus became more famous as a result of the miracle

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Speak Life

When the young man that was dead came back to life, he began to speak. The moment he came back to life, he made use of his mouth to speak. That young man did not

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Face Your Assignment

Connected To Source

When the young man that was set for burial came back to life, Jesus delivered him to his mother. It was the mother that Jesus showed compassion; it was the mother that attracted divine intervention;

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In our Focal Scripture, Jesus commanded the dead young man to arise. Jesus called him “young man”. He wasn’t an old man. He still had a journey ahead of him, and Jesus told him to

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It Won’t Get Worse

In our Focal Scripture, as the funeral procession was moving out of the city of Nain, Jesus showed up and touched the casket, and those who carried the casket had no option but to stop.

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Change The Atmosphere

In our Focal Scripture, Jesus touched the casket and halted the funeral procession. There was a young man in that casket who was set for burial. There was a matter of death that was about

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Another Man’s Miracle

In our Focal Scripture, Jesus saw the woman whose son was to be buried, and He had compassion on her. Jesus moved from showing compassion on the woman, to raising her son back to life.

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Repeated Affliction

Our Focal Scripture described the young man who was about to be buried, as the only son of his mother, who was a widow. So the woman had suffered the loss of her husband, and

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No Death

It is important to observe that the person who was about to be buried, in our Focal Scripture, was a young man whose mother was still alive. So it was a case of a young

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Full Transition

It is remarkably noteworthy that the person who was being taken out of the city of Nain for burial, was a dead man. He moved from being a boy to being a man, but his

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No Death

Our Focal Scripture speaks of that moment when there was a funeral procession, with a man being carried out of the city. That young man died, and his corpse was being taken out of the

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Negative Facilitators

Our Focal Scripture makes mention of men who carried the dead man out of the city for burial. Death had occurred, burial was next, and there were men who took upon themselves the burden of

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You Won’t Go Down

Our Focal Scripture speaks of that moment when Jesus came into a city called ‘Nain’. As He approached the gate of the city, there was a funeral procession. Someone who died in the city of

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Face Your Assignment

Divine Judgement

After Peter’s escape from prison, Herod sought for Peter; and when there was no way to find Peter, he turned against the keepers of the prison and commanded that they be put to death. The

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You’re Breaking Out

It is instructive to observe that the soldiers whom Peter was chained to, were still in the prison when the angel of the Lord took Peter out of the prison. The men who were positioned

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You Have A Space

Unexplainable Miracles

In the morning after Peter had been taken out of prison by an angel of the Lord, there was confusion in the prison. No one could explain how Peter got out of prison. No one

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Keep Knocking

On his way out of the prison, Peter didn’t need to knock on any door. He simply followed an angel and doors opened on their own accord. Peter came to the house where prayers were

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No Doubts

In our Focal Scripture, a damsel told the people who prayed for Peter, that Peter had arrived, but they didn’t believe her. They insisted that she was mad; they even said it must be Peter’s

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You Have A Space


In our Focal Scripture, after Peter had showed up at the gate of the house where brethren prayed for him, a damsel figured that it was Peter. While others prayed, someone had the presence of

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Take The Gates

It is instructive to observe that whilst there were men and women praying for Peter in the home of Mary mother of John, there was no one at the gate to check if Peter had

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May 2020 Devotional