Daily Devotional

Unexpected Thrones

It Won’t Get Worse

16th November 2022

Scripture Reading: Luke 7: 11-17


“And he came and touched the bier: and they that bare him stood still. And he said, Young man, I say unto thee, Arise.” (Luke 7: 14)

In our Focal Scripture, as the funeral procession was moving out of the city of Nain, Jesus showed up and touched the casket, and those who carried the casket had no option but to stop. The young man in the casket was already dead, and burial was next; the journey to the place of burial had begun, but Jesus showed up and halted the journey. Jesus put a stop to the journey of negativity. Jesus did not allow negativity to get worse.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: one miracle you are about to receive is the miracle of things not getting worse than they are currently. Your misfortune will not get worse. Your health challenge will not get worse. The troubles in your home or marriage will not get worse. Your financial situation will not get worse. The conspiracies to stop you will not get worse. The negativity that the enemy has cooked you for you will not get worse.

Every journey of negativity is halted by the word of the Lord. You will not go down as the enemy planned. You will not be consumed or swallowed like men may have predicted. You will not be cut short in your prime. You will not fade away when your destiny is yet unfulfilled. You will not be an example of one on the journey of reduction or destruction. You will not be an example of one whose light is going down.

Notice that Jesus did not just stop at stopping the journey of negativity; Jesus did not only stop the bad situation from getting worse; He also called the dead young man back to life. He stopped the situation from getting worse, and He reversed the negativity. Hear me as I hear the Lord: every negativity in your life is being reversed. Where you went down, you are going up. Where you were rejected, you are to be celebrated.

No longer shall it be said that the journey of negativity was completed in your life. No longer shall negativity prevail over you.


No negativity in my life will get worse; every negative journey is reversed by fire, in Jesus’ name!

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“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” (Psalm 46: 1)

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