Daily Devotional


In our Focal Scripture, God told David that he would recover all. David and his men had their wives and children taken away by the Amalekites. They had their city burnt. They had lost what

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In our Focal Scripture, God promised David that he would ‘without fail’ recover all. The word fail is the root word for ‘failure’. So God promised David that in the recovery plan, there would be

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In our Focal Scripture, David enquired from the Lord if he may pursue and overtake the enemies that invaded his space in Ziklag. David asked two questions from the Lord, pertaining to the matter of

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In our Focal Scripture, when David enquired of the Lord concerning the Amalekites who took away his wives and children, God told him to pursue after them. The journey of taking back what was lost

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Whilst David’s men wept and even spoke of stoning David, Abiathar stood by and did not join the fray. In the midst of those who were wailing and complaining and even plotting to stone David,

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Our Focal Scripture speaks of that moment when David asked Abiathar to bring the ephod. Abiathar was a priest. In bible times, priests served as mediators between God and man. They brought the word of

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As David got ready to fight back against the Amalekites who made away with his wives and children as well as the wives and children of his men, one of the men he needed was

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Our Focal Scripture speaks of how David requested for the ephod from Abiathar. Abiathar was a priest. An ephod was part of the cloak of priests in bible times; and you had to be a

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When David’s men spoke of stoning him, he had no option but to encourage himself in the Lord his God. The word encourage as used in that scripture comes from the Hebrew word ‘chazaq’; another

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In our Focal Scripture, after nearly being stoned by his men, David encouraged himself in the Lord his God. The word ‘encourage’ as used in that scripture comes from the Hebrew word ‘chazaq’; another meaning

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In our Focal Scripture, in the midst of his men who spoke of stoning him, David encouraged himself in the Lord his God. The word ‘encourage’ as used in that scripture comes from the Hebrew

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Our Focal Scripture speaks of when David encouraged himself in the Lord. David was yet to recover his wives and children, what he lost was yet to be found, the situation that made him weep

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Lasting Light

In our Focal Scripture, Zechariah speaks of the candlestick made of gold, with bowls upon it, and lamps thereon. This candlestick was meant to produce light that would never go off (see Exodus 25 and

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Unfamiliar Results

At a time when God wanted to reveal His will for the children of Israel, the Angel asked Zechariah, “What do you see”? Zechariah replied by saying that he saw a candlestick made of gold,

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A Better Offer

Zechariah had experienced divine encounters prior to our Focal Scripture, when the angel of the Lord came again and woke him up like a man that is awakened out of his sleep. The second coming

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Your Eyes Are Opened

Zechariah spoke in our Focal Scripture about how an angel of the Lord came and woke him like a man is wakened out of his sleep. Zechariah was awakened, and he saw a candlestick of

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You Have A Space

New Levels

In our Focal Scripture, Zechariah speaks of how an angel of the Lord came again and “waked him” as a man is wakened out of his sleep. The word ‘waked’ as used in that scripture

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Heaven’s Gain

Apart from instructing Joshua to keep away from the accursed thing, God also instructed Joshua about the silver, and gold, and vessels of brass and iron, which were to be consecrated unto the Lord. Heaven

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No Accursed Thing

In our Focal Scripture, God instructed the children of Israel not to touch the accursed thing in Jericho. They were to possess the land of Jericho, but God Himself outlawed some items that were available

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No Reduction

Our Focal Scripture speaks of that day when Joshua and the men of war compassed around Jericho seven times. These men undertook a journey that should take seven days to complete, and they did it

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Journey With God

As the men of war marched round Jericho, the Ark of the Covenant was part of the journey. For six days, they marched round the walls of Jericho, and the Ark was involved; on the

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It’s Your Jubilee

One instruction God gave to Joshua was that priests should blow trumpets of ram’s horns. In Old Testament times, silver horns were blown in times of war; but God spoke about ram’s horns. Ram’s horns

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Do More

God told Joshua and the men of war to walk round the city of Jericho once a day for six days, but He instructed them to do the same journey seven times on the seventh

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Speedy Results

In our Focal Scripture, God told Joshua to compass the city of Jericho once a day, for six days. According to bible historians, a journey around Jericho on foot took almost a whole day during

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Not Your Portion

In our Focal Scripture, God told Joshua that He had given him Jericho, and the king and the mighty men. God did not promise Joshua the walls of Jericho. The wall of Jericho was not

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Tear Down The Walls

The walls of Jericho were not built because of the children if Israel. Those walls existed before they thought of possessing Jericho. Those walls were structures that predated their mission to Jericho. The walls were

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Fight And Possess

The Joshua generation was that generation that knew the promise of God, and were ready to fight until it became reality. They were not afraid to fight for what God promised them. They were not

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Fight For Others

In Joshua 1 vs. 13-15, some tribes had taken possession of their land, but Joshua commanded them to help other tribes to possess their own land. Some people possessed their possession; others were yet to

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No Blockade

Our Focal Scripture reveals that Jericho was shut up because of the children of Israel. Nobody could go out, and nobody could go in. Jericho was in that state where people had needs that should

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A Greater Generation

One distinction of the Joshua generation is that they completed what their fathers started. Their fathers got a promise but never lived to see the fulfillment of the promise. Their fathers knew that God was

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A Better End

Another exciting distinction of the Joshua generation is that they were born in the wilderness, but they did not die in the wilderness. They were born into an unfavourable situation, but they did not remain

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Divinely Established

When the children of Israel left Egypt, they left with God’s promise to give them the Promised Land. That same generation wandered for several years in the wilderness: they had no definite location; they were

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A Divine Encounter

When Joshua came close to Jericho, he found that it was surrounded by walls. Joshua needed to step into Jericho to possess the land that God promised His people, but he could not go in

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Speed Of The Spirit

Angelic Help

Joshua met an angel as he stood by Jericho. He was on a mission to possess Jericho, he was on the brink of entering into God’s promise, he was on the verge of his next

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You Have A Space

Lift Up Your Eyes

In our Focal Scripture, Joshua lifted up his eyes and he beheld an angel with a sword drawn in his hands. There was already an angel waiting to help Joshua to win his battle, but

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You Will Step In

Our Focal Scripture speaks of that moment when Joshua was standing by Jericho. He had come close to Jericho but he was yet to enter in. He had come close to God’s promise for the

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Wealthy Place

Our Focal Scripture speaks of the moments preceding the possession of Jericho by Joshua and the Israelites. Jericho was a wealthy city in bible times; it was a fenced city. It was a city filled

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It Shall Come To Pass

Our Focal Scripture speaks of that moment when God said to Ezekiel: “…know that I the LORD have spoken it, and performed it”. God was not just going to speak on a matter. He spoke,

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It is important to observe that in the milieu wherein Ezekiel prophesied, Israel was in captivity. People who had earlier been led into their Promised Land suddenly found themselves in captivity. People who once had

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You Have A Space

Receive Your Own

Apart from promising to bring the children of Israel out of their graves, God also promised to place them in their own land. They weren’t going to leave the grave and start to roam and

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Out Of The Grave

In our Focal Scripture, God promised to bring the whole house of Israel out from their graves. They had been in the grave, and God promised to bring them out. God decreed that he would

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Don’t Lose Hope

In our Focal Scripture, God Himself compared the valley of dry bones to the whole house of Israel. The house of Israel was saying that their bones were dried, and their hopes were lost. They

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May 2020 Devotional