Daily Devotional

Don’t Walk Away

Tear Down The Walls

18th September 2022

Scripture Reading: Joshua 5: 13-15, 6: 1-20


“Now Jericho was straitly shut up because of the children of Israel: none went out, and none came in.” (Joshua 6: 1)

The walls of Jericho were not built because of the children if Israel. Those walls existed before they thought of possessing Jericho. Those walls were structures that predated their mission to Jericho. The walls were not built because of them, but the moment they came to possess the land, those in the city shut the gate and locked out the children of Israel. The same wall that was not built because of them began to work against them.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: if there be any wall that was erected before you showed up, tear it down before it stops you. Tear down the walls of opposition against your career progression. Tear down the wicked altars that bear rule in your field of endeavor. Tear down the satanic conspiracies and conspirators that are making a mess of your rising. Tear down every generational disease that existed in your family before you emerged.

There may be satanic traps set for people ahead of you, and somehow those traps are still on your way. God says, tear them down before they stop you. Prayerfully tear down the policies that were made to hinder you. Tear down the haters that have been standing by to ensure that no one rises. Tear down the walls that stopped those ahead of you. Tear down the walls that others had to contend with before you emerged.

If the walls of Jericho were not brought down, they would have remained a limitation for future generations that would eventually come to possess Jericho. If you don’t tear down the walls of negativity, they will haunt your future generations. If you don’t tear down the walls of negativity in your family, career, nation, etc., other people will enter into it in future, and they just might suffer more than you even suffered.

Prayerfully deactivate any negativity the enemy has activated against you and people around you. Negativity will not prevail against you.


I tear down every wall of negativity against me; no negativity will stand against me, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;” (2 Corinthians 10: 5)

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