Daily Devotional

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Your Eyes Are Opened

28th September 2022

Scripture Reading: Zechariah 4: 1-10


“And the angel that talked with me came again, and waked me, as a man that is wakened out of his sleep,” (Zechariah 4: 1)

Zechariah spoke in our Focal Scripture about how an angel of the Lord came and woke him like a man is wakened out of his sleep. Zechariah was awakened, and he saw a candlestick of gold, with seven lamps on it, and others. Those things did not just appear at the moment he was awakened; they had been there, but he could not see them until he was awakened. So he was awakened to see what was around him that he never saw.

Friend, God is about to open your eyes to see what has been around you that you are yet to see. God is opening your eyes to see the mega opportunities that are loitering around you, waiting for you to take action. God is opening your eyes to see the gates of greatness that have been flung open for you to enter. God is opening your eyes to see the divine resources at your disposal; God is opening your eyes to see more.

There may be destiny helpers around you that you are yet to see; and today, God is opening your eyes to see them and take the help He gave them to give you. There may be platforms for greatness around you that you have not noticed; and God is opening your eyes to see them and step into them. There may be new realms in Christ that you are yet to see, and God is opening your eyes to see, so that you can be more.

Today, I pray for you: may the eyes of your spirit man be opened. May the Lord cause you to see what ordinary eyes cannot see; may the Lord cause you to see the unseen hands that want to turn your destiny backwards; may the Lord open your eyes to show you the conspiracies against you that may have arisen from men who are around you; may the Lord cause your eyes to be opened to see what He rightly positioned for your sake.

Ask the Lord to open your eyes that you may see what is already around you. Ask the Lord to show you what ordinary eyes cannot see.


I am awakened into new realms; I see new things, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.” (Ephesians 5: 14)

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