Daily Devotional


When David fed the Egyptian slave who was abandoned by his master, it turned out that the Egyptian knew exactly where David needed to go to recover all that he lost. The Egyptian slave had

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Our Focal Scripture speaks of the Egyptian servant who fell sick and was abandoned by his Amalekite master on the way. This servant was in a moment of weakness and illness, and his master speedily

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As David journeyed to recover all that he lost from the Amalekites, he came in contact with an Egyptian in the field who had been abandoned by his master. David fed the Egyptian with food,

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In our Focal Scripture, we find that two hundred out of the six hundred men that were with David got to the Brook Besor and were too faint to continue the pursuit. People who were

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Our Focal Scripture highlights the dichotomy amongst the men who followed David. Two hundred men got to the Brook Besor, and were too tired to continue, but there were four hundred men who dared to

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After the lamentations of David, and after the episode of those who spoke of stoning him, he encouraged himself in the Lord and eventually went after the Amalekites. Notice that David did not go alone.

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Our Focal Scripture speaks of that moment when David arose to chase after the Amalekites. David did not go alone; he was accompanied by six hundred men that were with him. David was about to

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In our Focal Scripture, God told David that he would recover all. David and his men had their wives and children taken away by the Amalekites. They had their city burnt. They had lost what

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In our Focal Scripture, God promised David that he would ‘without fail’ recover all. The word fail is the root word for ‘failure’. So God promised David that in the recovery plan, there would be

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In our Focal Scripture, David enquired from the Lord if he may pursue and overtake the enemies that invaded his space in Ziklag. David asked two questions from the Lord, pertaining to the matter of

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In our Focal Scripture, when David enquired of the Lord concerning the Amalekites who took away his wives and children, God told him to pursue after them. The journey of taking back what was lost

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Whilst David’s men wept and even spoke of stoning David, Abiathar stood by and did not join the fray. In the midst of those who were wailing and complaining and even plotting to stone David,

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Raised On Purpose

In our Focal Scripture, Ezekiel speaks of how he prophesied according to God’s instruction, and the entire dry bones in the valley came back to life as an exceeding great army. God did not raise

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A Risen Army

Our Focal Scripture captures that moment when Ezekiel prophesied to the dry bones whose flesh had just been restored, and when they arose, they were an exceeding great army. It was not a case of

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When the dry bones received breath from the four winds, they lived, and stood up on their feet. They received breath and they came back to life, and no longer needed anyone to even instruct

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The Environment Will Align

Before the dry bones came back to life, Ezekiel was commanded to prophesy to the wind and command it to breathe upon the slain. So the wind aligned with the dry bones and they came

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Call It Forth

Our Focal Scripture speaks of that moment when God Himself told Ezekiel to prophesy upon the dry bones. All that Ezekiel had seen prior to our Focal Scripture, were the dry bones and how that

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You Have A Space

No Scattering

The dry bones that Ezekiel saw in the midst of the valley were all scattered in the valley. When those bones would eventually come together, each bone came to its bone. So, prior to their

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No Circular Movement

Our Focal Scripture speaks of that moment when Ezekiel passed by the dry bones round about. Ezekiel walked around the dry bones; he engaged in a circular movement around the bones. It was not movement

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Don’t Go Down

No Impossibilities

When Ezekiel walked round about the bones in the open valley, he observed that they were very dry. These bones were not freshly dead; the people had died and decayed, and their bones had become

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Multitude Of Negativity

When the hand of the Lord came upon Ezekiel, it carried him in the Spirit of the Lord and set him down in the midst of the valley that was filled with bones. As Ezekiel

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Rightly Positioned

When the hand of the Lord came upon Ezekiel, it carried him in the spirit of the Lord until it set him down in the midst of the valley which was filled with dry bones.

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It’s Your Assignment

When the hand of the Lord came upon Ezekiel, it carried him in the spirit of the Lord, until it brought him to the valley which was filled with dry bones. Eventually, it became the

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Mandated Helpers

It is instructive to observe that the mission of Ezekiel in the valley of dry bones was to prophesy the bones back to life. Ezekiel did not come to the valley out of his own

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Don’t Go Down

Divine Speed

The hand of the Lord was upon Ezekiel, and it carried him out in the spirit of the Lord. Ezekiel’s movement came by the hand of the Lord, and his vehicle of conveyance was the

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In The Same Place

The valley of dry bones speaks of a group of people, an army, who were murdered in the valley, and whose bodies degenerated until they all became dry bones. In that same valley where they

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Divine Evidence

Our Focal Scripture speaks of how the hand of the Lord was upon Ezekiel and carried him out in the spirit of the Lord. The hand of the Lord was upon Ezekiel, and there was

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Forward And Upward

In our Focal Scripture, Ezekiel spoke of how the hand of the Lord was upon him and carried him out in the spirit of the Lord. The hand of the Lord was upon Ezekiel and

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Weak Men

Our Focal Scripture speaks of the valley which was full of dry bones. These bones were the bones of men who were slain in battle. They went into a battle, but they did not come

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In The Same Place

No Depreciation

Our Focal Scripture speaks of how Ezekiel found himself set in a valley which was full of bones. Those bones were without flesh. So the men whose bones were in that valley had died, and

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Help Has Come

The dry bones that Ezekiel saw in our Focal Scripture were the bones of men who died in battle. These men faced opposition that was bigger than them, they may not have been able to

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Out Of The Valley

It is instructive to observe that the dry bones as recorded in our Focal Scripture, were the remains of warriors that came to the valley to fight. Ordinarily, their journey to the valley was meant

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Not A Victim

The dry bones that Ezekiel saw in our Focal Scripture were the remains of men who were slain in battle. They came to fight battles, but they ended up as victims. They came to win,

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You Won’t Go Down

Our Focal Scripture introduces the famous story of the valley of dry bones. Right in that valley, there were very many dry bones, of men who were slain in the valley. Some men came to

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Divinely Announced

In our Focal Scripture, the captains who had just been notified about the anointing of Jehu as King of Israel, all proclaimed that Jehu is king. The captains announced Jehu’s elevation. They announced what God

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The Oil Speaks

When Jehu came forth from the inner chamber where he was anointed as King over Israel, he attempted to hide the agenda that the trainee prophet came with. Jehu attempted to dismiss the visit of

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You Won’t Look Like It

When Jehu came forth from the inner chamber where he was anointed as king, his fellow captains enquired about the ‘mad’ fellow he had just been with. So the trainee prophet that came to anoint

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Tuck It In

In our Focal Scripture, as soon as the trainee prophet was done with the business of anointing Jehu, he opened the door and fled. He didn’t just walk away; he ran away. Notice that Elisha

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Move On

When the trainee prophet that anointed Jehu was done with his assignment, he opened the door and fled. He literally ran away from the scene of his accomplishment. He was not going to sit down

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Divine Judgement

In our Focal Scripture, the son of the prophet announced to Jehu God’s reason for selecting him as king. God told Jehu to strike the house of Ahab, to avenge the blood of prophets and

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Eyes On Purpose

It is instructive to observe that immediately after Jehu was anointed as king, the trainee prophet that performed the assignment gave him his first assignment as king. So this was not an elevation that Jehu

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The Call Of Distinction

It is instructive to observe that the trainee prophet who anointed Jehu was not the only trainee prophet in Israel. There were other trainee prophets who had received a call to join the school of

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May 2020 Devotional