Daily Devotional


Our Focal Scripture speaks of how David and his men recovered all that they lost. Nothing was missing, nothing was broken; David recovered all. It seemed that the enemies of David had done their worst

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Our Focal Scripture speaks of how David smote the Amalekites. This was not a regular fight where there was a tussle. This was David smiting his enemies. He pounced on the same men who took

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Our Focal Scripture speaks of how David began executing vengeance against the Amalekites from the twilight. David’s victory began at twilight. David’s breakthrough began at twilight. Twilight is that time of the day when the

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When David and his men arrived at the camp of the Amalekites, they were all over the camp, eating and drinking and dancing, on account of the wickedness they had just meted out to David.

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Prior to our Focal Scripture, David left behind two hundred men at the Brook Besor, because they were too tired to continue the journey of recovering what was lost. Those men didn’t offer much value

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When David fed the Egyptian slave who was abandoned by his master, it turned out that the Egyptian knew exactly where David needed to go to recover all that he lost. The Egyptian slave had

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Our Focal Scripture speaks of the Egyptian servant who fell sick and was abandoned by his Amalekite master on the way. This servant was in a moment of weakness and illness, and his master speedily

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As David journeyed to recover all that he lost from the Amalekites, he came in contact with an Egyptian in the field who had been abandoned by his master. David fed the Egyptian with food,

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In our Focal Scripture, we find that two hundred out of the six hundred men that were with David got to the Brook Besor and were too faint to continue the pursuit. People who were

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Our Focal Scripture highlights the dichotomy amongst the men who followed David. Two hundred men got to the Brook Besor, and were too tired to continue, but there were four hundred men who dared to

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After the lamentations of David, and after the episode of those who spoke of stoning him, he encouraged himself in the Lord and eventually went after the Amalekites. Notice that David did not go alone.

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Our Focal Scripture speaks of that moment when David arose to chase after the Amalekites. David did not go alone; he was accompanied by six hundred men that were with him. David was about to

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Speed Of The Spirit

It’s Coming To You

Our Focal Scripture speaks of that moment when Peter arrived at the residence where the church prayed for him. A group of people gathered to pray for Peter, and when the Lord would cause Peter

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You Will Escape

In our Focal Scripture, Peter spoke about how the Lord sent him an angel to deliver him from Herod, and from all the expectations of the people of the Jews. Herod had planned to do

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Angelic Help

When Peter left the prison and eventually came to himself, he realized that he had just received the help of an angel of the Lord. Peter was probably not the only prisoner in the prison,

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Don’t Go Down

Keep Moving

It is instructive to observe that after passing through the iron gate that led into the city, and after passing by one street, the angel that took Peter out of the prison departed from him,

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The Gates Are Open

In our Focal Scripture, Peter and the angel of the Lord went through different doors of the prison, until they came to the iron gate that leads into the city. That iron gate opened to

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Speed Of The Spirit

Keep Following

One last command that the angel of the Lord gave to Peter, was for Peter to follow him. Peter was not going to move on his own terms; he was to follow the angel of

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Prepare To Run

In our Focal Scripture, the angel of the Lord told Peter to gird himself. In bible times, the Jews mostly wore flowing garments; and when anyone was asked to gird his loins or gird his

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Get Ready To Move

In our Focal Scripture, the angel of the Lord told Peter to bind up his sandals. It was time to leave the prison, and the angel of the Lord told Peter to wear his footwear.

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A Divine Identity

In our Focal Scripture, the angel of the Lord instructed Peter to bind on his sandals and wear his garment. So Peter had been stripped in prison. Peter was in a location that did not

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Refuse The Chains

Our Focal Scripture makes mention of the fact that when the angel of the Lord came to where Peter was, a light shined in the prison. Ordinarily, considering that it was already night, darkness would

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In our Focal Scripture, an angel showed up in the prison where Peter was held, and he commanded Peter to arise. Immediately, the chains that were used to hold Peter down, fell off. The angel

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Don’t Go Down

Wake Up

In our Focal Scripture, Peter was asleep in prison, between two soldiers. It was not just that Peter was in bondage; he was also asleep. Peter’s senses had gone numb in sleep. So even if

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No Stagnation

Our Focal Scripture reveals that Peter was bound with two chains, between two soldiers. In bible times, prisoners were often chained to soldiers. The whole idea was to stop the prisoner from moving. So Peter

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Sleeping In Chains

Our Focal Scripture reveals the happenings in the prison where Peter was locked up. Peter was thrown into prison, put in chains between two soldiers, and he simply dozed off. Someone who was in chains

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Pray On

It is instructive to observe that when James was taken by Herod, no mention was made of whether the church prayed for him or not. Herod took James, and beheaded him, and there was no

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No Disruption

Our Focal Scripture speaks of how Herod intended to bring Peter forth to the people after Easter. Easter is commemorative of the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. It is one of the ceremonial events

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Evil Gatekeepers

It is instructive to observe that Herod did not just build Peter’s confinement on nothing. Herod positioned four quaternions of soldiers to keep Peter in prison. He positioned men to ensure that Peter will remain

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No Confinement

Our Focal Scripture speaks of that moment when Herod caused Peter to be put in prison. One major fact about the prison is that therein, there is no freedom of movement. A prison serves to

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No Bondage

Our Focal Scripture speaks of that moment when Peter was taken into custody by Herod, in the days of unleavened bread. Unleavened bread was eaten in the days of Passover. So Peter was arrested during

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They Will Wait Forever

Our Focal Scripture speaks of the men who were pleased when Herod took out James. Herod killed James and the Jews were happy about it. Misfortune arose against James, and some people were pleased with

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Not A Victim

In our Focal Scripture, Herod came against James the brother of John, and killed him with the sword. Herod was vexed with the church, and the first installment of his wickedness was to kill James.

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No Reversal

In our Focal Scripture, Herod arose against the church. According to bible history, the lineage of Herod came from Edom. They were descendants of Esau. In Genesis 23 vs. 23, God said to Rebekah that

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No Stopping

Our Focal Scripture speaks of that season when Herod came against the church. Herod was king, reigning over Israel, and he used the weight of his position to come against the people of God. Herod

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You Can’t Be Stopped

Our Focal Scripture speaks of that moment when God gave a word concerning the mission that Zerubbabel was about to begin. God said, “The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation…his hands shall also finish

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It Will End In Praise

In our Focal Scripture, God told Zechariah that Zerubbabel will bring forth the headstone with shoutings of grace. A headstone was the uppermost stone in a building in Bible times; bringing forth the headstone symbolized

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No Mountains

In our Focal Scripture, the angel that spoke to Zechariah addressed a mountain. It was a mountain standing before Zerubbabel. Zerubbabel had the matter of the temple to deal with, but there was a mountain

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Another Man’s Burden

The vision that Zechariah saw was not for himself; it was for Zerubbabel. God placed a divine burden on Zechariah because of an assignment that another man needed to accomplish; God opened the eyes of

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Not By Strength

Our Focal Scripture speaks of the two olive trees that were positioned on the right side of the candlestick, and on the left side of the candlestick. The right side is often symbolic of strength

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Multiple Supplies

Zechariah saw a vision where two olive trees stood beside the golden candlestick. Those olive trees supplied olive oil into the candlestick that kept the light burning perpetually. It was not a case of one

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Not By Process

In addition to the golden candlesticks and the lamps that were thereon, Zechariah speaks of two olive trees on either side of the bowl upon the candlestick. The candlestick in the temple needed the priest

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May 2020 Devotional