Daily Devotional

Don’t Walk Away

You Will Escape

30th October 2022

Scripture Reading: Acts 12: 1-19


“And when Peter was come to himself, he said, Now I know of a surety, that the Lord hath sent his angel, and hath delivered me out of the hand of Herod, and from all the expectation of the people of the Jews.” (Acts 12: 11)

In our Focal Scripture, Peter spoke about how the Lord sent him an angel to deliver him from Herod, and from all the expectations of the people of the Jews. Herod had planned to do with Peter as he did with James. He had planned evil against Peter. He already had Peter in his custody, but the Lord sent an angel to pull Peter out of the trap he had already entered into. The Lord sent an angel to rescue Peter from the evil plans of Herod.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: you are rescued from the evil plans of every Herod that has arisen against you. You are slipping out of the traps of your haters. You are breaking out of the wicked plots of those who plan to make you shed tears of pain. You are breaking out of the evil plots that want to orchestrate your downfall. You are breaking out of the traps of the wicked. You are breaking out of the siege of Herod.

Hear me as I hear the Lord: no wicked man will prevail over your destiny. No wicked man will preside over your affairs. No wicked man will make you a victim of his wickedness. No wicked man will use your destiny to entertain his fans. No trap of the enemy will take you down. No wicked plan against you will succeed. No plan of the enemy to halt your destiny will see the light of day. It will never be said that any Herod prevailed against you.

An angel delivered Peter out of the hands of Herod. In subsequent verses following our Scripture Reading, an angel slapped Herod and he was eaten by worms. Peter’s deliverance didn’t end until Herod himself became a victim of the angel of the Lord. Go and warn every Herod that is chasing after you, that they will soon become victims of the angel of the Lord. Go and announce to your Herod that your angels are battle ready.

No longer shall it be said that you fell victim to any ‘Herod’. No longer shall it be said that you were caught in the trap of the enemy.


I break out and escape from the trap of every Herod around me, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers: the snare is broken, and we are escaped.” (Psalm 124: 7)

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