Daily Devotional


Refuse The Chains

22nd October 2022

Scripture Reading: Acts 12: 1-19


“And, behold, the angel of the Lord came upon him, and a light shined in the prison: and he smote Peter on the side, and raised him up, saying, Arise up quickly. And his chains fell off from his hands.” (Acts 12: 7)

Our Focal Scripture makes mention of the fact that when the angel of the Lord came to where Peter was, a light shined in the prison. Ordinarily, considering that it was already night, darkness would have been expected. So the light that came was an improvement of the situation of Peter. The dark prison had suddenly become a better lit prison, but Peter still needed to leave that prison. Peter needed to leave the prison despite the light.

Friend, even when light has come to your prison, always remember that the prison is not your place. Even when things have become better in your chains, always remember that complete change is the only option. Even if the wickedness that has been hurled at you has considerably reduced, it still needs to end completely. Even if the prison now has light, the plan is to leave, not to remain. The plan is to break out, not to adjust.

Beware of prisons that have light. Beware of bondages that are clothed in light. Beware of troubles hiding inside what looks like a harmless relationship. Beware of the snares of the enemy that come to you looking like they are of God. Beware of the gates of hell that come looking golden in your eyes. Beware of that bondage that now seems to have a positive identity. Even if there is refreshment in your prison, refuse to stay there.

Today, I pray for you: every prison you have outgrown, I command you to break forth. Break out of every limitation you have outgrown; break out from that financial level that you have outgrown; break out of that health challenge that has overstayed; break out of that negative cycle that seems to be improving by the day; break out of the painted sepulchers where the enemy wants to live below your mandate.

Don’t adjust to your prison no matter the light that shines in it. Even when the light from God comes into your prison, refuse to stay there.


Even if my prison has light, I refuse to stay there, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death, and brake their bands in sunder.” (Psalm 107: 14)

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