Daily Devotional

No Back And Forth

No Stopping

9th October 2022

Scripture Reading: Acts 12: 1-19


“Now about that time Herod the king stretched forth his hands to vex certain of the church.” (Acts 12: 1)

Our Focal Scripture speaks of that season when Herod came against the church. Herod was king, reigning over Israel, and he used the weight of his position to come against the people of God. Herod operated in high places, he had a positional advantage, and he used it against people who did absolutely nothing to him. Herod used his throne against the children of Israel; he used the scepter of his kingship against the children of Israel.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: every ‘Herod’ that has arisen against you, I command them to go down by fire. Every evil man that is using his high positioning to damage your destiny, let the fire of God answer. Every man that is using his throne against your destiny, let the fire of God sweep him away. Every man that has an advantage and is using same to wreak havoc against you, let the judgement of God arise and answer for you.

The church in Israel did not commit a crime against Herod, yet he arose against them. He got uncomfortable with their growth and multiplication, and he decided to come against them. Hear me as I hear the Lord: any man that is fighting you because of the increase that God has brought your way, let the fire of God answer for you. Every man that has arisen against your rising, today, he goes down. Every Herod that says you will not rise, let the Lord Himself cause him to go down.

Today, I decree, your path shines brighter and brighter. Nothing will halt your advancement. Nothing will hinder your rising. Nothing will cause you to stop on the way. Nothing and nobody will turn back the hand of God that has already been stretched forth in your favour. If there be any man that says that you will not rise, the same angel that slapped Herod to death will slap him. Your light will not go off. Your greatness will not wane.

Welcome to that season where your rising and advancement shall be unending. If God be for you, no ‘Herod’ can stop you.


No ‘Herod’ can stop me, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.” (Proverbs 4: 18)

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