Daily Devotional

Sleeping In Chains

19th September 2022

Scripture Reading: Acts 12: 1-19


“And when Herod would have brought him forth, the same night Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains: and the keepers before the door kept the prison.” (Acts 12: 6)

Our Focal Scripture reveals the happenings in the prison where Peter was locked up. Peter was thrown into prison, put in chains between two soldiers, and he simply dozed off. Someone who was in chains and who should have been agitated for being in chains, was comfortable enough to sleep off in chains. Peter seemed to carry on like one who was not worried that he was in chains. He seemed comfortable to remain in chains.

Friend, no matter what happens, never sleep in chains. Never get relaxed in bondage. Never come to that point where you are so comfortable in negativity. Never allow yourself to be adjusted to what does not work. Never make the mistake of accepting the narrative of the enemy. Never make the mistake of relaxing in that negativity that the enemy has hurled at you. Don’t make the mistake of sleeping in those chains from the enemy.

The prison is not a comfortable place to be in. Even the most modern of prisons in the 21st century, are not designed to make the prisoner maximally comfortable. So Peter came to a place of discomfort, and he was comfortable enough to sleep off despite the negativity he was surrounded with. If life puts you in any destiny prison, please don’t become comfortable therein. Don’t become comfortable in systems that don’t work.

The prison was meant to provoke you, and not to compel you to adjust. The prison was meant to elicit a holy anger from you, that will push you until you break out. The prison is not your destination, and it is an error to get there and sleep off like Peter did. No matter the prison you are caught up in, make a commitment to leave the prison. Make a commitment to break out of negativity. Make a commitment to leave the prison.

Reject your prison, reject the chains of the enemy, reject that negativity the enemy placed on you, reject that satanic covering the enemy put on you, and you will break out with ease. Remember, to sleep off in prison is to slip off in destiny.


I refuse to remain in prison; I reject the prison; I reject negativity; I reject the enemy’s chains, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“For he hath broken the gates of brass, and cut the bars of iron in sunder.” (Psalm 107: 16)

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