Daily Devotional

Watchers Are Watching

Take The Gates

1st November 2022

Scripture Reading: Acts 12: 1-19


“And as Peter knocked at the door of the gate, a damsel came to hearken, named Rhoda.” (Acts 12: 13)

It is instructive to observe that whilst there were men and women praying for Peter in the home of Mary mother of John, there was no one at the gate to check if Peter had arrived. There were prayer warriors in the room, but there were no men at the gates to take charge of the answers they prayed for. There were mouths to pray but no feet to dominate at the gate. There were mouths to speak to God, but no feet to take the gates.

Friend, as the new month begins, take the gates. Take over the gates of your city. Take over the gates of your career/business. Take charge at the gates of your family. Take charge of the gates of your results. Take charge of the gates of your new season. Take charge of the gates of that place where your supplies come from. Take charge of the gates of your enemies. Take over the gates. Don’t stop at praying; take charge at the gates.

Any man at the gate determines who/what is allowed to come in and who/what is allowed to go out. When the wrong man is at the gate, even your answers will arrive but there would be no one to open to gates. If you fail to take charge of the gates, you will become a victim to whosoever has taken charge at the gates. If you fail to take charge at the gates, some men can deliberately hinder your rising and advancement.

People gathered to pray for Peter, but they locked the same gates that could have let Peter in. They even doubted when they were told that Peter had arrived. Glean some wisdom: do not lock your gates with doubt. Do not use prayerlessness to lock your gates. Do not use your lack of foresight to lock the same gates through which your answers need to pass to locate you. Do not lock your gates with the wrong mindset.

Today, I decree, your gates are open and will remain open continually. Arise as a strong man at the gates. Don’t let the enemy make a mess of your destiny at the gates.


I take charge at the gates; my gates are open, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Therefore thy gates shall be open continually; they shall not be shut day nor night; that men may bring unto thee the forces of the Gentiles, and that their kings may be brought.” (Isaiah 60: 11)

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