Daily Devotional


19th Sep 2023

Scripture Reading: JOSHUA 2: 1-24


“And she said unto the men, I know that the LORD hath given you the land, and that your terror is fallen upon us, and that all the inhabitants of the land faint because of you.” (Joshua 2: 9)

When Rahab was first mentioned in our Scripture Reading, she was described as a harlot. She had a negative profile. She wore the garment of negativity. Her identity was not anything to be admired. Notice that in our Focal Scripture, Rahab spoke of how the Lord had given the land of Jericho to Israel. Rahab had things to say about the Lord. She was in the midst of those who didn’t love God, but she had begun to know about the Lord.

Notice that Rahab did not escape the destruction that swallowed up Jericho by reason of being a harlot. She had the privilege of being saved alongside her family members, because she aligned herself with the new move of God that was to give Jericho to the children of Israel. Rahab changed from being a harlot to becoming a woman who understood what the Lord was doing, and in the end, she was treated differently from others in Jericho.

Friend, change your posture to fit into your new season. Change the aspects of your life that are antithetical to the new season you seek to be in. Change from the habits and character flaws that will not allow you become who God has destined you to become. Change your understanding and mindset to fit into what God is about to do. Put away the garments of negativity and dare to look like your new season.

Today, I disconnect you from every negativity that is disconnecting you from the will of God for your life. I disconnect you from every satanic stronghold that wants to rob you of the unveiling of heaven’s plan for you. I disconnect you from every satanic altar that says you will not be who God wants you to be. I disconnect you from every chain and satanic blockade that says your family members will not enter into their new season.

It is an error to arrive at the brink of your new season, but remain dressed in the garments of your old season. Break out of the old and break into the new. Break out of the old and posture yourself for the new.


I adjust my posture to fit into the new season God is bringing my way, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” (Galatians 5: 1)

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