Daily Devotional


6th Oct 2023

Scripture Reading: GENESIS 26: 1-14


“And the LORD appeared unto him, and said, Go not down into Egypt; dwell in the land which I shall tell thee of:” (Genesis 26: 2)

In our Focal Scripture, God told Isaac to dwell in the land that He (God) would tell him about. Isaac was not about to choose any land that he fancied. He was about to go to a land that God Himself determined for him to dwell in. He was not going to go to a land because everyone was going there; he went there because God would have him go there. Isaac’s geographical location was determined by God, and came by divine direction.

Friend, don’t join the bandwagon of those who move simply because others are on the move. Don’t make the mistake of joining in a journey because it seems fashionable to do so. Don’t make the mistake of becoming a party to the choice of geographical locations without seeking God’s opinion on your movement. Don’t be counted amongst them that would simply go to ‘Egypt’ because ‘Abraham’ went there in time past and made it.

A major blessing that Isaac enjoyed was the blessing of divine direction. I pray for you: in this season, may the Lord direct you to where you should be. May the Lord direct you into locations that are made for you. May the Lord direct you into places that will position you for your God ordained results. May the Lord lead you to relationships that will cause the resources of heaven to flow in your direction. May the Lord direct you into greatness. May the Lord lead you to your ‘Rehoboth’.

Egypt may have made sense to Isaac whilst in famine, but God knew better and led him until he was grateful to God for where he was led to. Egypt may have been a great idea, but it was not God’s idea. Some directions may be a great idea, but they may not be God’s idea. Some directions may seem right in your own eyes, but God knows enough to direct you away from them so that you can arrive at your wealthy place.

Don’t be too focused on your ‘Egypt’ that you fail to be led by the God who led Isaac into greatness. Accept the leading of the Lord. Let the Lord lead you to where He destined for you. Let the Lord determine your direction.


I walk in divine direction, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left.” (Isaiah 30: 21)

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