Daily Devotional


3rd November 2023

Scripture Reading: 1 KINGS 1: 32-49


“The king also said unto them, Take with you the servants of your lord, and cause Solomon my son to ride upon mine own mule, and bring him down to Gihon:” (1 Kings 1: 33)

In our Focal Scripture, David ordered that Solomon be put on his mule and be taken to Gihon to be anointed as king. Scientists say that mules are extremely hardy and disease resistant. So David was looking for an animal that will convey Solomon to the place of coronation, and he chose an animal that will not be sick. David sought a process that would take Solomon to the throne, and he chose a process that won’t be sick.

Friend, have you ever been at that point where you are not the sick one, but the process that should take you to your destination is sick? Have you ever been in that place where the economy you operate in, is sick? Have you ever been at that point where the systems you need are sick? Have you ever been at that point where the pathway to your goals, appear sick and toxic? Have you ever met your process in a sick state?

Hear me as I hear the Lord: the processes you need will not be sick. The systems that should work for you will not be sick. The positions that should be to your advantage will not be sick. The help and helpers that God has positioned on your way will not be sick. The destiny vehicles that should convey you to your next level will not be sick. The men that God has commanded to carry you to your next level will not fall sick.

Today, I pray for you: your finances will not be sick. The economy will not be sick. The processes you need will not turn against you. Nothing and no one will weaken the pathway that should lead you to the top. No power of hell will weaken the grace and favour of God on your life. Nothing will cut short your mule. Nothing will cut short your advancement. Nothing will hinder you from arriving at your ‘Gihon’. Nothing will hinder your throne.

Welcome to that season where systems and processes will align in your favour. Welcome to that season where the systems and processes you need will not be sick.


The systems and processes I need will not be sick, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“He maketh my feet like hinds' feet, and setteth me upon my high places.” (Psalm18: 33)

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