Daily Devotional


19th February 2024

Scripture Reading: MARK 10: 46-52


“And Jesus stood still, and commanded him to be called. And they call the blind man, saying unto him, Be of good comfort, rise; he calleth thee.” (Mark 10: 49)

In our Focal Scripture, Jesus commanded that Blind Bartimaeus be called to where He was. Jesus issued a command that Bartimaeus may have access to Him. Jesus gave a command to enable Bartimaeus come closer to the help he desired. Jesus commanded that the same man who had previously sat and begged, be made to make movement. So Bartimaeus did not just show up by chance; his showing up was by the command of the Lord.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: your rising shall come by the command of the Lord. God is issuing a command for your next level to manifest; God is giving a command for your challenges to be rolled away; God is giving a command for your elevation to be made manifest; God is giving a command for the doors that are locked against you to be opened; God is giving a command for your long awaited congratulations.

The moment Jesus gave a command for Bartimaeus to show up, the multitude aligned. The same voices that revolted against Bartimaeus turned friendly the moment Jesus gave a command. As God gives a command for your rising and advancement, everything will align, and everything will obey. As God gives a command for your doors to open, even the haters of your destiny will turn around and work in your favour.

When God speaks, everything obeys; when He shows up, everything adjusts. You serve a God who spoke the entire universe into being. You serve a God whose words can break every siege on your destiny. You serve a God whose words can turn back the hands of the clock. You serve a God whose capacity to do mighty things has never been in doubt. You serve a God whose power is limitless. You serve a God who is willing to command.

Ask God to issue a command concerning your rising, and everything will align in your favour.


My advancement is by a divine command; everything will align, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“The lion hath roared, who will not fear? the Lord GOD hath spoken, who can but prophesy?” (Amos 3: 8)

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