Daily Devotional


10th June 2024

Scripture Reading: 1 SAMUEL 30: 1-20


“And David smote them from the twilight even unto the evening of the next day: and there escaped not a man of them, save four hundred young men, which rode upon camels, and fled.” (1 Samuel 30: 17)

Our Focal Scripture speaks of how David began executing vengeance against the Amalekites from the twilight. David’s victory began at twilight. David’s breakthrough began at twilight. Twilight is that time of the day when the sun has gone down and the environment is no longer bright enough. Twilight is typically next to darkness after sunset. So David’s miracle happened at a time when darkness had almost come.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: everything may still be dark but your breakthrough will come. The light may not shine but you will get to the place of your breakthrough. Things may not all align in your favour but you will still receive all that you asked of the Lord. The light may not shine but you will cross the limits that the enemy set on your destiny. The light may not shine but you will carry your evidence. Your time has come.

Hear me as I hear the Lord: darkness will not stop your results. Darkness will not hinder your advancement. Darkness will not stop heaven from releasing what is yours to you. Darkness will not get in the way of your rising. Darkness will not interfere with your expansion. It may be dark in your nation, the economy may be dark all around you, the light may not be enough to push your results, but you will have your results nonetheless.

You belong to a generation that is destined for victory whether there be light or darkness. You belong to a generation that cannot be stopped by the darkness in the environment. You belong to a generation that will win regardless of the disadvantages surrounding you. You belong to a generation that cannot be stopped by the darkness of this world. You belong to a generation that is not subservient to the rulers of the darkness of this world.

Welcome to that season where your breakthrough will still happen whether there be enough light or even darkness. Welcome to that season where your breakthrough cannot be stopped by darkness.


No darkness will stop my breakthrough, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“You, the LORD God, keep my lamp burning and turn darkness to light.” (Psalm 18: 28 CEV)

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