Daily Devotional


3rd September 2024

Scripture Reading: LUKE 15: 11-32


“And when he had spent all, there arose a mighty famine in that land; and he began to be in want.” (Luke 15: 14)

Our Focal Scripture speaks of how the prodigal son spent all that he had and a famine arose. After he lost all that he had, the land that he was in got into a famine. The land where he was turned against him. The prodigal son got to a land with his hands filled with resources, but he soon found the land working against him. He went to a far country with his hands full, but the land turned against him. He suffered the misfortune of a land against him.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: the land that you are in will not work against you. The environment where you are will not work against you. The land where you ply your trade will not work against you. The land where you live will not work against you. The land where you do business will not swallow what you have. The city where you live will not swallow your destiny. The land where you are in will not ruin your efforts.

The moment when a famine arose, the prodigal son began to be in want. The land turned against him, and there were physical consequences. Hear me as I hear the Lord: every power of hell that says your land will turn against you and cause you to suffer negative consequences, let the fire of God answer. Every satanic manipulation that will cause your land to work against you, let the power of God reverse it.

Today, I pray for you: may the land you live and operate in be favourable to you. May the land align and work in your favour. May the land yield its increase to you. May the land be fruitful under your watch. May the land never take orders from satanic voices that manipulate the elements of nature against you. May the land align with heaven’s agenda for you. May the land bow to you and work in your favour.

Welcome to that season where the land will no longer work against you. Welcome to that season where the land will align and work in your favour.


The land will not work against me; the land will align and work in my favour, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Yea, the LORD shall give that which is good; and our land shall yield her increase.” (Psalm 85: 12)

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