Daily Devotional

You Won’t Sink

30th April 2022

Scripture Reading: Mark 4: 35-41


“And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full.” (Mark 4: 37)

Our Focal Scripture speaks of how a great storm of wind arose, and waves began to beat into the ship, until it became full. The ship that basically needed to sail on water, now had water inside it that filled it up. The ship was filled with water that had the capacity to sink it. The ship was filled with the same thing that had capacity to make it go down. Notice that despite being filled with water, the ship did not sink. What had capacity to sink the ship filled the ship, but it could not sink it.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: your ship may be filled with water, but it will not sink. You may come in contact with situations that can sink others, but it will not sink you. You may come in contact with battles that will consume others, but you will not be consumed. You may come in contact with misfortunes that will swallow the finances of others, but it will not swallow your own finances. What should sink you, will not sink you. What should take you down will not take you down.

The first miracle that happened in the ship was not just the calming of the storm. The first miracle was that the ship carried water that had capacity to sink it, yet it didn’t go down. Hear me as I hear the Lord: whatever you go through will not take you down. Whatever battles you face will not take you down. You will go through the issues that others have been through, and you will come out unscathed. What reduced others will not reduce you.

Jesus was in that ship before the water came into the it and filled it; but there was no way a ship carrying Jesus would sink. If Jesus is in the ship of your life, no matter what happens, and no matter the battles that show up, you will not sink. Shock the enemy a little more by having the high praises of God on your lips whenever your ship is filled with water. Embarrass the devil by being confident that no water will sink your ship.

Welcome to that new season where the things that sink others cannot sink you. Welcome to that season where the things that cut short the destiny of others will not cut short your own destiny.


Nothing will sink my ship; no battle will take me down, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.” (Isaiah 43: 2)

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