Daily Devotional


A Full Portion

10th June 2019

Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 16: 1-13


“And The Lord Said Unto Samuel, How Long Wilt Thou Mourn For Saul, Seeing I Have Rejected Him From Reigning Over Israel? Fill Thine Horn With Oil, And Go, I Will Send Thee To Jesse The Bethlehemite: For I Have Provided Me A King Among His Sons.” (1 Samuel 16: 1)

In Our Focal Scripture, God Commanded Samuel To Fill His Horn With Oil, Preparatory To The Anointing Of David As King. Samuel Was To Go To Anoint David With A Horn That Was Filled With Oil. It Was Going To Be A Filled Horn, Not A Half Filled Horn. David Was Going To Be Given A Full Measure, Not A Half Measure. David Was Going To Be Given ‘More Than Enough’, Not ‘Just Enough’. David Was Going To Be Given A Complete Measure.

Friend, God’s Desire Is That Your Joy Will Be Full; God’s Desire Is That You Will Have Full Measures, Not Half Measures. God’s Desire Is That You Have Full Portions, Not Miniature Portions. Hear Me As I Hear The Lord: Your Joy Will Be Full; Your Processes Will Be Complete; Your Supply Will Be More Than Enough; Your Opportunities Will Be Full Measures; Your Breakthroughs Will Be Complete Portions; Your Next Level Will Be A Full Package.

Every Half Measure In Your Life, May The Lord Cause It To Be Full; In Every Area Where Your Portion Is Incomplete, May The Lord Cause It To Be Made Complete; In Every Area Where You Are Deficient, May The Lord Cause A Fullness To Manifest; In Every Area Where You Are Below What God Wants For You, May The Hand Of The Lord Cause A Completion Of What God Has Begun. May The Lord Cause Your Joy To Be Full; May Your Testimonies Be Complete.

Jesus Came That You May Have Life, And Have It More Abundantly. Jesus Did Not Die On The Cross So That You Can Live All Your Days On Earth In Half Measures. If You Have Embraced The Finished Work Of Christ, Then Ask The Lord For Your Full Portion; Ask The Lord To Complete You In Areas And Places Where You Are Incomplete; Ask The Lord To Fill You In Areas Where You Are Either Empty Or Not Yet Filled; Ask The Lord To Fill You To Overflow.

Remember, Your Portion Is Meant To Be Full; You Are Meant To Be Complete In Him. Ask For Your Full Portion; Ask To Be Made Complete By God.


O Lord, Fill My Cup, In Jesus’ Name!

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“And Ye Are Complete In Him, Which Is The Head Of All Principality And Power:” (Colossians 2: 10)

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