Daily Devotional

A New Identity

5th April 2022

Scripture Reading: Mark 5: 21-34


“And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague.” (Mark 5: 29)

The woman in our Focal Scripture was described as the woman with the issue of blood. That woman suffered an affliction that lasted so long that everyone knew her by her affliction. The negativity she suffered became her identity. The negativity she suffered swallowed her original identity. The enemy put a plague on her, and that plague tried to cover her real identity. Her destiny and identity were both covered by affliction.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: every negativity that has become your identity, I command it to end by fire. Every attack of the enemy that has become the description of your destiny, let the fire of God sweep it away. I tear every identity that the Lord did not put on you. I tear every garment of affliction that the enemy put on you. I tear every satanic cloak that is covering your destiny. I tear down every covering of negativity.

That woman may have been in business; she may have had a career that one could describe her with; but in a matter of time, an affliction showed up and swallowed everything. Whatever she had capacity for, was swallowed by the things she suffered. Hear me as I hear the Lord: whatsoever the enemy has thrown at you that wants to swallow what God has put in you, let the fire of God swallow it.

You were not destined to wear negativity as a garment; you were not wired to wear your affliction as a cloak; God did not create you so that you will be known by what the enemy did against you; God did not create you to be known as the one that the enemy reduced and confined. If there be any identity in you that is contrary to the word of the Lord concerning your life, reject it, and call the fire of God to burn it to ashes.

Remember, she showed up as the woman with the issue of blood; but Jesus showed up and took that negative identity away. Every negative identity you are known with, ends now by the power of God.


I reject every identity of negativity; affliction will not replace my identity, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“And the Gentiles shall see thy righteousness, and all kings thy glory: and thou shalt be called by a new name, which the mouth of the LORD shall name.” (Isaiah 62: 2)

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