When Elisha proclaimed the word of the Lord concerning the abundance that was to replace the famine in Israel, he decreed that it would happen at the gate of the city of Samaria. There were four lepers at the gate of the city of Samaria. It was those four lepers that walked into the camp of the Syrians and discovered the abundance of food supplies that ended the famine. God used mere lepers to perfect His purpose.
Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: God will position men who will fulfill His purpose for your life. God is positioning men who will bring you the help He promised you; God is sending you men who will open the doors He has ordained for you to step into; God is positioning men on your pathway who will take you into the new levels ordained for you; God is sending you men with an assignment to fulfill His plan for you.
The lepers were at the city gate, oblivious of the prophecy that had just been released by Elisha, but the force of God’s word compelled them until they did all that they needed to do for the famine in Israel to end. Hear me as I hear the Lord: the men whom God will use to fulfill your prophecy may not even be aware of your prophecy, but they will not stop until God has used them to accomplish all He has in store for you.
Those lepers started the business of fulfilling the word of the Lord for Israel, and they did not stop on the way. They continued until the king got wind of the abundance in the camp of the Syrians. Hear me again: when the men who will be used by God to fulfill His plans for you to begin, they will not stop on the way. They will not start and abandon your prophecy halfway. They will continue until God’s word/plan for you is fulfilled.
Call forth the men who will be messengers for the fulfillment of your prophecy. Call forth the men who will fulfill God’s plan and purpose for you.