In our Focal Scripture, Hannah pleaded with God to give her a son that she would offer back to Him. Hannah was not just seeking to have a child that she would call her own; she sought to have a son that would be God’s own. She sought to have a son that would fulfill divine purpose; she sought to have a son that would be central to heaven’s agenda; she sought a son that would make God proud, and her request was granted.
Friend, if the change you have been seeking is yet to happen, just maybe like Hannah, you need to change your approach and your desires. You might need to review the motive for asking God to show up; you might need to review the purpose of what you desire to receive from God; reconsider what you want to do with the resources you want God to give you; reconsider what you will do with the opportunities you seek.
Hannah wanted a son that she would offer back to God; she wanted to receive what she would give back to God, and when God saw her new line of prayers, she got answers. God is interested in granting you requests that will play a role in heaven’s agenda; God is interested in opening doors for you that will advance the kingdom; God is seeking those whose desires are tied to kingdom plans; God is seeking those with heaven minded requests.
Today, change your approach and your focus. Start making prayers that are relevant to heaven’s agenda. Ask God for resources that God’s kingdom will benefit from; ask God for opportunities that you will stand upon to make Him proud; ask God for open doors that will make it easier for you to make impact; ask God for greatness that will be relevant to heaven’s agenda.
Remember, the moment Hannah aligned her desires with heaven’s agenda, she got answers. Align your desires with heaven’s agenda, and you shall have results.