Daily Devotional


Another Man

30th August 2021

Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 10: 1-12


“And the Spirit of the LORD will come upon thee, and thou shalt prophesy with them, and shalt be turned into another man.” (1 Samuel 10: 6)

One step that Saul was to undergo on his way to his throne and crown was that the Spirit of the Lord was to come upon him, so that he would be turned into another man. Saul was not supposed to step into his throne as the man he had always been; he needed to become another man; his new season needed him to become another man; another man was the mode for Saul’s enthronement and coronation.

Friend, if you desire to reign long enough on your throne and wear your crown long enough, then it’s high time you allowed the Spirit of God to turn you into another man. It’s high time you allowed God to mold you into a better vessel. It’s high time you allowed God to cut off the rough edges of your life; it’s high time you allowed God to make you better than you currently are; it’s high time you became another man.

You may have been a rough man, a mean man, a man without love, a man with several vices, a man who does not fear God nor regard man, a man without regard for God’s principles, a man with scant considerations for chastity, a man without focus and direction, a man with no drive for excellence, etc, but God says, it is time to be transformed into another man. It is time to become another man that is fit for higher levels.

The Spirit of God was going to be the precursor of the transformation that would take place in the life of Saul. He was not just there to bless Saul; He was also there to make him another man. Stop making your walk with God to be all about receiving; make it to be also about becoming; make it to be more about who you become and how you are transformed.

Don’t approach your enthronement with the same mold that didn’t let you succeed in time past. Ask God to make you a better vessel; ask God to turn you into another man.


I become a better vessel; I become another man, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” (Romans 12: 2)

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