Daily Devotional

28th July 2022

Scripture Reading: 2 Kings 9: 1-13


“And when thou comest thither, look out there Jehu the son of Jehoshaphat the son of Nimshi, and go in, and make him arise up from among his brethren, and carry him to an inner chamber;” (2 Kings 9: 2)

In our Focal Scripture, Elisha instructed one of the sons of the prophets to go to Jehu, and part of what he was meant to do was to make Jehu arise from amongst his brethren. Jehu was amongst his brethren, but prior to his anointing as king, the trainee prophet was mandated to take him out from amongst his brethren. Jehu may have become comfortable sitting amongst his contemporaries, but he was to arise from amongst them.

Friend, it’s time to arise from amongst your ‘brethren’. It’s time to arise from your comfort zone. It’s time to rise from the places where you have become accustomed to. It’s time to break out of the confines of your current level. It’s time to get uncomfortable with the places you have been comfortable with. It’s time to break out of your current season and seek your new season. It’s time to rise from that place where you are seated.

It may have been okay to be seated amongst his ‘brethren’, but a time came when Jehu simply needed to arise. You may have long been seated in your comfortable places, but it time to arise and stretch yourself into the greatness that God ordained for you. Stretch yourself, shake off your slumber and rise to the new season that God ordained for you. Break out of your comfort zone and break into your greatness and relevance zone.

The anointing of Jehu was not going to happen while he was seating amongst his fellows. He was to be anointed after he had arisen from amongst them. Any voice that is telling you to remain in your comfort zone is simply disconnecting you from rising to your new season. Any voice that is telling you to stay where you have always been is simply reinforcing the status quo in you. Your refusal to move is stopping your emergence.

Don’t be counted amongst them that are too comfortable with the present, to the extent that rising to face the future greatness is a struggle. Rise from your comfort zone. Break into your greatness zone.


I break out of my comfort zone; I break into my greatness zone, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Arise; for this matter belongeth unto thee: we also will be with thee: be of good courage, and do it.” (Ezra 10: 4)

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