Daily Devotional


Be A Servant

13th April 2021

Scripture Reading: Luke 19: 12-27


“And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come.” (Luke 19: 13)

Before the noble man left to go and receive a kingdom for himself, he delivered ten pounds to his servants. The people who were trusted to multiply the ten pounds were servants. The people who were given the opportunity for the increase that was to come, were servants. The people who were to be partakers of the multiplication of capital through trade, were servants. They served their way into greatness and opportunity.

Friend, how much of a servant have you been? How willing have you been to set aside your own agenda in order to serve God’s agenda? How willing have you been to look beyond your personal interest in order to serve the interest of the masters that bear rule over you? How willing are you to lay aside your personal accomplishments and accolades in order to wear the garment of a servant? How much of a servant are you?

A true servant lives for the will of his master; a true servant does not live for his own personal interest. Going forward, commit yourself to living for God’s interest. Set aside your accomplishments and serve the Lord in whatever capacity you have been offered. Humble yourself and serve under whatever master you operate under. Look beyond yourself and seek to serve people around you. Dare to be a servant.

Those servants of the noble man may never have known that the opportunity to rule over cities was on the way. They served without knowing that their service was pregnant with greatness. Your service is pregnant with greatness. Your service is your passcode to a higher level you may never have imagined. You may be serving in an obscure position at the moment, but it will lead you to stand on the mountain of relevance and influence.

Dare to serve with everything you have in you. Serve even if people around you are not willing to serve. Serve like your whole life depends on it. Roll up your sleeves, and be a true servant.


I choose to serve, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.” (Matthew 23: 11)

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