Daily Devotional


Be Consistent

20th April 2021

Scripture Reading: Luke 19: 12-27


“And he said unto him, Well, thou good servant: because thou hast been faithful in a very little, have thou authority over ten cities.” (Luke 19: 17)

The noble man in our Scripture Reading described the servant who gained ten extra pounds as being faithful. The word faithful as used in that scripture is also interpreted to mean consistent. So the good servant was able to make as much profit as he did because he was consistent. He stood out amongst the other servants by reason of consistency. He was able to shine brightly because of consistency. Consistency was his mantra.

Friend, make a commitment to be consistent. Be consistent in character. Be consistent in what you do. Be consistent in your service delivery and excellence. Be consistent in improving yourself. Be consistent in your positive values. Be consistent in being effective and efficient. Be consistent in the way you manage your time. Be consistent in your service to God and man. Be consistent in doing what is right. Be consistent.

Notice that the good servant was called faithful in little. He had ‘little’ but he chose to be consistent. He didn’t wait for things to get big before choosing to be consistent. Stop waiting for things to get big before you become consistent. Stop waiting for opportunities to come in your preferred dimensions before you start to be consistent at being your best. Even if all you have is one pound like that servant, still choose to be consistent.

What the good servant did not realize was that his consistency in handling one pound was going to give him authority over ten cities. Consistency gave him ten cities. Consistency positioned him on the mountain of relevance and influence. Hear me as I hear the Lord: your consistency will position you over your ten cities. Your consistency will give you access to high places. Consistency will set you apart from the crowd.

Don’t be counted amongst them that are hot today and cold tomorrow. Don’t be counted amongst them that cannot be faithful over a little. As much as it lies within your power, dare to be consistent.


I choose to be consistent, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.” (1 Corinthians 4: 2)

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