Daily Devotional

6th May 2019

Scripture Reading: Esther 6: 1-14


“And it was found written, that Mordecai had told of Bigthana and Teresh, two of the king's chamberlains, the keepers of the door, who sought to lay hand on the king Ahasuerus.” (Esther 6: 2)

Our Focal Scripture makes mention of the king’s chamberlains who conspired to lay hands on the king. Bigthana and Teresh were the conspirators. The name ‘Bigthana’ means ‘gift of God’. So a man who was called the ‘Gift of God’ decided to go for what God did not empower him to achieve; he went on a mission that God did not endorse; he went on a mission that God did not approve of; he simply wanted more than God gave him.

Friend, stay within what God has given you; stay within the confines of the divine provision that has been allotted to you; stay within the confines of the environment God has brought you into; stay content with the doors that God has opened for you; stay within the confines of the opportunities God has given you; stay within the boundaries of divine resources that have been given to you; stay content.

Don’t be caught in the web of those who want more than God has given. Don’t plant yourself in the pathway of seeking positions that God has not destined or desired for you; don’t run after gifts that God is not yet willing to give you; don’t get into the rat race of wanting what others have for the sake of it; dare to be content with what God has given you. Even if you are not satisfied, at least be grateful and content with what God has given.

Greed is when a man wants more than his destiny needs, and more than God is willing to give; envy becomes the next line of action when one begins to desire more than what God is willing to make available. That God gave something to the person next to you does not mean that God must give you same, or give you something similar. That something came the way of someone connected to you does not make it your portion.

It’s okay to ask God for more, but don’t do the wrong thing because you desire more.


I Will Not Do What Is Wrong Because I Need More, In Jesus’ Name!

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Memory Verse

“But godliness with contentment is great gain.” (1 Timothy 6: 6)

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