Daily Devotional


16th February 2021

Scripture Reading: Judges 4: 1-10


“And Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lapidoth, she judged Israel at that time.” (Judges 4: 4)

Our Focal Scripture tells the tale of Deborah’s different roles and abilities. Deborah was a wife of Lapidoth; she was also a prophetess; and she was judge over Israel. She had a fulfilled role in her marriage/family; she had spiritual authority as a prophetess: she held the highest position in Israel as well. Deborah could have chosen to be a wife only, but she dared to be more. She had an option to be more, and she took it.

Friend, in 2021, dare to be more. Break out of your comfort zone and step into new realms you have not been in. Break out of the limited mould that men have set for you. Break out of confinement and express the full measure of your potentials and potentialities. Stop doing only what is convenient for you, and start doing what will cause your creative juice to manifest. Delve into the depths of your being and manifest your abilities.

Deborah did not just have capacity. She used the capacity she had. In this season, use your capacity. Convert your abilities to tangible results. Don’t just be a carrier of great ideas and visions; start acting on the ideas and visions that God has given you. Don’t just be a mere statistic amongst the living; live life to the fullest of your destiny mandate. Live your life in such a way that heaven will not regret giving you mighty divine deposits.

Israel was a largely patriarchal society, but Deborah rose against all odds. Her environment was a good reason to stop her from being more, but she didn’t let her environment stop her. Don’t let your environment stop you from being more and doing more. Don’t let the minimal expectations of men around you cause you to limit the expression of your God-given potentials. Don’t let the feelings of men make you hide your abilities.

Always remember, if ever you have a chance to be more, don’t be less. If ever you have a chance to do more, don’t do less.


I choose to be more; my environment will not limit the expression of my potentials, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.” (Ecclesiastes 9: 10)

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