Daily Devotional


25th February 2023

Scripture Reading: MATTHEW 5: 14-16


“Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.” (Matthew 5: 15)

In our Focal Scripture, Jesus makes mention of how men do not light a candle and put same under a bushel, but on a candlestick, so that it can give light to all that are in the house. Notice that Jesus had earlier made mention of “…the light of the world”. Jesus moved from talking about the light of the world, to talking about a light lit by men and positioned to give light to people in the house. Jesus seemed to be speaking of a house light.

Friend, when you are a light that was lit by men, you may not do more than give light to people in the house. If your shining is man-made, you may not be able to go beyond lighting up your immediate environment. If your shining is purely human, you may not achieve more than just giving light to a limited space. If your greatness is a creation of mere mortals, you may not do more than just shine the light for a few people.

Notice that Jesus called the light in the house a ‘candle’. A candle is for indoor use. A candle is for indoor shining. A candle is for that shining that does not involve a multitude. A candle is for that shining that will only survive in a small enclosure. A candle is for limited shining. If your light is man-made, you may never service a multitude. If your light is like a candle, the best you can be, is light that shines in an enclosure, within boundaries.

In a generation where men have chosen to be the light of the world, don’t accept to be light that shines only in the house. Don’t be tempted to become that light that men literally set up. Don’t be that light that will not survive if there is a strong wind. Don’t be that light that burns out in a matter of time. Don’t be that light whose capacity is hugely limited. Don’t be that light whose influence cannot go beyond a small space.

You can be more, and you should be more. Choose to be more than just a light in the house. Choose to be more than just a light that was lit by mere mortals.


I refuse to be a light in a house; my light will shine beyond my location, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“For thou wilt light my candle: the LORD my God will enlighten my darkness.” (Psalm 18: 28)

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