Daily Devotional


12th August 2023

Scripture Reading: 1 SAMUEL 16: 1-14


“Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his brethren: and the Spirit of the LORD came upon David from that day forward. So Samuel rose up, and went to Ramah.” (1 Samuel 16: 13)

It is instructive to observe that whilst David’s brothers seemed more favoured and better positioned, David was left to tend to his father’s sheep. David was not necessarily the favoured one in the home. He didn’t enjoy the privileges of those ahead of him, but right where he was in the bush, the God who sees the hearts of men chose him and caused him to be made king. God would describe David as a man after His heart. So even in the bush, the heart of David was right towards God.

Friend, you may yet be in the bush, but can your heart be right towards God and towards men? Can your behavior in secret be acceptable unto God? Can your service delivery be top notch despite not being in the limelight? Can your commitment to your assignment be exemplary? Can you have the right motivation to be your best despite the fact that you are in the bush? Can your role get the best of you despite lacking accolades? Can you be the best of yourself despite the ‘bush’ you are in?

David would show up before Saul at some point in the battle field, and he narrated how he slew the lion and the bear that came for his sheep. So whilst in the bush, he was a man of strength, he was a man of exploits, he was a man of courage, and he was a man who didn’t believe that he should lose what was put in his care. You may yet be in the ‘bush’, but who are you becoming in the ‘bush’? Who you are in the bush, does it fit the limelight?

If you are taken out of obscurity today and planted in the limelight, what would men see in you? Did you know that who you are currently is all that will be made manifest when the limelight comes on you? If God were to allow you to rise to the limelight today, would you be proud and bold to show forth who you are currently? If who you are in the ‘bush’ is not good enough, then it won’t be good enough in the limelight.

Remember, David was great in the bush, and he ended up great on the throne. Be the best in your small corner, and true greatness will locate you in a matter of time. Be your best when the limelight is not on you, and you will be the better for it when the limelight comes.


I will be at my best even if the limelight is yet to come, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.” (Ecclesiastes 9: 10)

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