In our Focal Scripture, Zechariah speaks of how the angel of the Lord ‘waked’ him as a man is wakened out of his sleep. The word ‘wake’ as used in that scripture comes from the Hebrew word ‘shaqad’. ‘Shaqad’ means to be vigilant, to see both the good and the bad around you. So when the angel of the Lord awakened Zechariah, his eyes were being opened to see both the good and the bad. He was being roused to the place of vigilance.
Friend, in this season, and more than ever before, be vigilant. There are wiles of the enemy that have been fired at you, and you must be vigilant to scatter them. There are evil words that have been spoken of you, and you need to scatter them. There are opportunities that God has positioned around you, and you need to be ready and well positioned to take them. There are plots of the enemy around you that you need not be ignorant of.
Today, I pray for you: may you be vigilant enough to discern the evil plots against you. May you be vigilant enough to know when the vipers of this world are creeping into your space. May you be vigilant to discern when the smiling faces around you are plotting your downfall. May you be vigilant to know the time of your visitation. May you be vigilant enough to know when your doors and gates have been opened. May you be vigilant.
May it never be said that you were unable to see what was going on around you. May it never be said that the enemy simply took advantage of you because your eyes were not open to see when you should have seen. May it never be said that you came to your new season but were fixated on your old season behaviour. May it never be said that you were too sleepy to see what the Lord was showing you. May you be vigilant on time.
Remember, the Lord did not proceed to speak until Zechariah saw what God was showing him. Be vigilant and heaven will unveil and download more divine information to you.