In our Focal Scripture, Ezekiel speaks of how the hand of the Lord was upon him. In the Jewish culture and milieu where the events in this scripture were situated, when someone was to be blessed by a father, it happened through the laying on of hands. So when Ezekiel said that the hand of the Lord was upon him, he was inferring that a blessing was upon him. Ezekiel inferred that the hand of the Lord empowered him to prosper.
Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: the hand of the Lord upon you will empower you to prosper; the hand of the Lord shall cause you to advance against all odds; the hand of the Lord shall open the doors that will give your destiny a lift; the hand of the Lord shall cause your harvest to be bountiful; the hand of the Lord shall cause you to rise above the obstacles on the way to your progress; the hand of the Lord will prosper you.
The word ‘blessing’ was first used towards man in Genesis 1 vs. 28; another meaning of that word ‘blessing’ as used in that scripture means ‘congratulations’; so when Ezekiel inferred that a blessing was upon him, he was also inferring that he was about to be congratulated. Hear me as I hear the Lord: you will be congratulated. God will orchestrate a chain of events that will leave men with no option but to congratulate you.
If you have embraced Jesus, then you have embraced a blessed life where congratulations shall be the order of the day. If you have embraced Jesus, get set for good news that will cause men to rejoice and dance with you. You were wired to be celebrated and congratulated; you were wired to be at the top; you were wired to advance and prosper by the hand of God.
Get set for a fresh manifestation of the blessings of God upon you; get set to be massively and serially congratulated.