In our Focal Scripture, God told Ezekiel to prophesy to the wind, and command that the four winds may come and breathe upon the slain that they may live. The four winds were not in that valley, but they were needed in the valley so that the slain could live. Ezekiel prophesied and commanded something that was not in the valley to come to the valley and fulfill a purpose. He commanded what he needed to come closer.
Friend, if there be anything you need in this life, command it to come closer to you. Command the men you need to locate you immediately; command the opportunities you need to locate you; command the doors you need to walk through, to open to you; command those that have what you need in their hands to come to you; command the winds that have the breath you need to come to your valley.
In the place of prophecy, we call forth what we need. In the place of prophecy, we invite greatness into our small corner. In the place of prophecy, what is far away is called to come closer. In the place of prophecy, what we lack in our environment is called from another environment to come and serve us. When we speak the word of the Lord, we are simply inviting the resources of heaven to come to our rescue.
Ezekiel called forth breath, from the four winds, and breath came into those dry bones. He called forth what he needed, and what he needed traveled from where it was and located him. As you speak the word of the Lord, command what you need to locate you, and it will locate you. Command the resources that are not in your environment to locate you, and they will come to you. Command what you need to come and it will come.
Remember, the breath did not come from the four winds until Ezekiel prophesied to the four winds. Speak to your ‘four winds’, and they will supply what you need.