Daily Devotional

Helpers Or Reducers

Carriers Of Value

30th December 2021

Scripture Reading: Matthew 2: 1-12


“And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh.” (Matthew 2: 11)

When the wise men came to the place where Jesus was, they worshipped him and thereafter, they opened their treasures. One of the gifts they brought out and gave to Jesus was gold. Gold is a major symbol of value; so they gave Jesus a thing of high value. They were not just empty wise men; they were wise men who had value to offer; Jesus received the gift of wise men who had immense value to offer to Him.

Friend, in this season, God will send you men who have value to offer to you. God will send you men who can add value to your life; God will send you men who can add relationship value to you; God will send you men who can add value to your destiny, career, business, ministry, academics, finances, family, etc; God will send you men who have more than enough value to give; God will send you men who you won’t need to beg for value.

Gold is one item that is hardly ever missing in the place of kingship and royalty. So what the wise men gave to Jesus was something that was reflective of His kingship and royalty which was yet to manifest fully. They gave Jesus value that would matter in the present and in the future. God will send you men who will give you value that would matter in the now and in the future. God will send you men with value you will need tomorrow.

It’s not enough to always desire that men add value to you; also do well to add value to people connected to you. As people come close to you or even see you from afar off, let them glean wisdom and knowledge from you; let people who meet you also receive value that will aid their destinies in the now and in the future; as much as it is blessed to be a receiver of value, also be a giver or value.

Ask God to send you men who will add value to your destiny; also ask God to make you a giver of value in your generation.


I shall receive carriers of value; I add value to my generation, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising.” (Isaiah 60: 3)

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