Daily Devotional


Closer To Jesus

5th June 2019

Scripture Reading: Mark 5: 21-34


“And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.” (Mark 5: 34)

When the woman with the issue of blood was first mentioned in vs. 25 of our Scripture Reading, she was called “a certain woman”; but in our Focal Scripture, Jesus called her “daughter”. She received her miracle and came to Jesus, and He called her daughter. The word ‘daughter’ speaks of relationship. So the miracle she received led her into a deeper and closer relationship with Jesus. Her miracle brought her closer in intimacy with Jesus.

Friend, as we draw the curtain on our meditations on the woman with the issue of blood, hear this: let your miracles and testimonies be a spring board for a new, rejuvenated and more intense relationship with Jesus. Let whatever the Lord has done for you cause you to seek Him more; let the answers to your past prayers spur you on to pray even more than you ever did; let the open doors you have received elicit more love for God.

That woman with the issue of blood received what was clearly her prayer request or desire, she got a solution to a problem that had lingered for twelve years, but that was not all that Jesus wanted to offer her. Beyond giving her a miracle, Jesus called her daughter; Jesus wanted her closer. Beyond your miracle, Jesus wants you closer; beyond your miracle, Jesus wants to have more of your life and more of your worship.

You do yourself no favours if you allow your miracles become your destination in your walk with God; you do yourself no favours if you reduce your commitment to God simply because He did a miracle for you; divine provision and divine intervention does not mean that you need God less than you used to; your greatest result is not what you get from God but being with God and dwelling in intimacy with Him.

Don’t be counted among those who got a gift and walked away from the Giver. Get closer to Jesus.


I choose to be closer to Jesus; my gift will not take me away from the Giver, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.” (James 4: 8)

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