In our Focal Scripture, Elijah warned Ahab to get on his chariot and move so that the rain does not stop him. It was not long before the heavens were black with clouds and wind, and what followed was a great rain. The bridge that had to be crossed before the great rain was ‘dark clouds’. Dark times preceded the heavy testimony of restoration of rain in Israel. Dark times became the harbinger of a great release from heaven.
Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: your clouds might be dark, but it will produce your great rain. You will move from dark times to celebration times; you will move from tears of pain and shame to tears of joy; you will move from lack to abundance; you will move from disappointments to huge blessings that will cause men to celebrate with you; you will move from the place of rejection to the place of acceptance and congratulations.
God may not always give you a bright cloud; He just might give you a dark one, but that dark cloud will give you the rain you have been waiting for. The dark clouds that come your way will be pregnant with testimonies that sound like lies. The dark clouds and dark times that come your way will eventually give way to mega celebrations that no one saw coming. The dark moments of your life will birth great testimonies.
Those who judge you harshly because your clouds are dark are in for a shock of their lives; because as they view your dark clouds, miracles and breakthroughs they were not expecting will show up and embarrass them thoroughly; as they condemn you because of your dark moments, the testimonies that will soon follow will remind them that their assessment of you is not final; as they keep laughing, the clouds will yield your rain.
Don’t let the enemy depress you because your clouds are dark at the moment; after your dark clouds, heavy rains are next; after your dark moments, great testimonies are next.